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N Queen problem

The classic N Queen problem was originally called the eight Queens puzzle and has its roots in chess. The task is to place eight queens on the board, and no two of them are a threat to each other. In other words, no two queens can be in the same row, column, or diagonal. In a nutshell, the N Queen problem uses an N×N board and N (where N>3) queens. For the original eight queens case, there are 92 solutions, eliminating the symmetric solution, there are 12 unique solutions. Using permutations, there are 4,426,165,368 possible ways to place 8 queens on an 8×8 board. However, if you create a candidate solution by ensuring that you don’t put two queens on the same row or column, the number of possible combinations is reduced to 8! = 403208! = 403208! = 40320.

Of solution of the

To solve the n-queen problem, use the following prerequisites: each row contains exactly one queen, and no two queens share the same column. This means that candidate solutions can be represented as an ordered list of integers or an index list, with each index representing the number of columns occupied by one of the queens in the current row. For example, in the four Queens problem on a 4×4 board, there is the following index list: (3, 2, 0, 1) represents (the index counts from 0) :

  1. In the first row, the queen is placed in the fourth column.
  2. In the second row, the queen is placed in the third column.
  3. In the third row, the queen is placed in the first column.
  4. In the fourth row, the queen is placed in the second column.

The following figure depicts the above indexes:

Indexes (1, 3, 0, 2) can be used to represent the following figure:

The only possible violation of the constraint among the candidate solutions represented in this way is the shared diagonal between a pair of queens. For example, in the first candidate solution:

This means that when evaluating solutions represented in this way, you only need to look up and calculate the shared diagonals between the positions they represent.

Representation of the problem

To encapsulate the N-Queens problem, create a Python class called NQueensProblem. Initialize the class with the required problem size and provide the following public methods:

  1. GetViolationsCount (Positions) : Counts the number of times a given solution violates a constraint
  2. PlotBoard (Positions) : Draws queens on the board based on a given solution

Pawn pictures

Import the necessary libraries
import numpy as np
import matplotlib as mpl
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

class NQueensProblem:
    ""N Queen problem definition ""

    def __init__(self,numOfQueens) :
        self.numOfQueens = numOfQueens
    def __len__(self) :
        """ :return: the number of queens """
        return self.numOfQueens
    def getViolationsCount(self,positions) :
        Since each row of the input contains a unique column index, it is impossible for a row or column to violate a constraint. Only the diagonal requires counting the number of violations. "" "
        if len(positions) ! = self.numOfQueens:raise ValueError("size of positions list should be equal to ", self.numOfQueens)

        violations = 0

        # Walk through each pair of queens and calculate if they are on the same diagonal:
        for i in range(len(positions)):
            for j in range(i + 1.len(positions)):
                #first queen in pair
                column1 = i
                row1 = positions[i]

                #second queen in pair
                column2 = j
                row2 = positions[j]

                if abs(column1 - column2) == abs(row1 - row2):
                    violations += 1
        return violations
    def plotBoard(self,positions) :
        """ Draws the position of the queen on the board based on the given solution. """

        if len(positions) ! = self.numOfQueens:raise ValueError("size of positions list must be equal to ",self.numOfQueens)

        fig,ax = plt.subplots()

        # board definition:
        board = np.zeros((self.numOfQueens,self.numOfQueens))
        # alternate checkerboard colors
        board[::2.1: :2] = 1
        board[1: :2. : :2] = 1

        # draw checkerboard

        # Read the chess picture and scale it
        queenThumbnail = plt.imread("queen-thumbnail.png")
        thumbnailSpread = 0.70 * np.array([-1.1, -1.1) /2

        # Chess drawing
        for i,j in enumerate(positions):
            # Place the pieces on the board
        # Coordinate axis Settings


        return plt
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Genetic algorithm to solve N queen problem

Constant and genetic operator definitions

  1. Import the required libraries
from deap import base
from deap import creator
from deap import tools
from deap import algorithms

import random
import array

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
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  1. Constants defined
# 16 queen
# Number of individuals in a population
# Maximum generation
# Crossover probability
# Mutation probability
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  1. First create an instance of the NQueensProblem class with the size of the problem to be solved:
nQueens = NQueensProblem(NUM_OF_QUEENS)
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  1. Since the goal is to minimize the number of violations (with an expected value of 0), the minimum applicability policy is defined:
creator.create("FitnessMin",base.Fitness,weights=(-1.0)),Copy the code
  1. Defining individual classes
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  1. Since the solution is represented by an ordered list of integers, each representing the queen’s column position, the following definition is used to create the initial population:
toolbox = base.Toolbox()

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  1. Set the fitness function to count the number of violations caused by the queen’s placement on the board:
def getViolationCount(individual) :
    return nQueens.getViolationsCount(individual),

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  1. Defining genetic operator
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Use elitist tactics

The use of the HallOfFame can be used to preserve the best individuals that have ever existed in an evolutionary population without losing them due to selection, crossover, or variation. The HallOfFame class is implemented in the tools module. Use the Halloffame object for elitism. Individuals contained in the Halloffame object are injected directly into the next generation and are not affected by genetic operators of selection, crossover, and mutation

# Number of Hall of Famers
def eaSimpleWithElitism(population,
            verbose=__debug__) :
    "" Use Halloffame to implement the elite mechanic. Individuals contained in the Hall of Fame mic are injected directly into the next generation and are not affected by genetic operators of selection, crossover and mutation. "" "! [20210102211924929.png]( ) logbook = tools.Logbook()# Used to monitor algorithm performance, and statistics
    logbook.header = ['gen'.'nevals'] + (stats.fields if stats else [])

    # Calculate individual fitness
    invalid_ind = [ind for ind in population if not]
    fitnesses =,invalid_ind)
    for ind,fit in zip(invalid_ind,fitnesses): = fit
    if halloffame is None:
        raise ValueError("halloffame parameter must not be empty!")
	# Update Hall of Fame members
    hof_size = len(halloffame.items) if halloffame.items else 0

    record = stats.compile(population) if stats else {}
    if verbose:
    # Start the genetic process
    for gen in range(1,ngen + 1) :# Number of selected individuals = number of individuals in the population - Number of Hall of Famers
        offspring =,len(population) - hof_size)

        # Population renewal to the next generation
        offspring = algorithms.varAnd(offspring,toolbox,cxpb,mutpb)

        # Calculate individual fitness
        invalid_ind = [ind for ind in offspring if not]
        fitnesses =,invalid_ind)
        for ind,fit in zip(invalid_ind,fitnesses):
   = fit
        # Add hall of Famers to the current generation

        # Update the Hall of Fame

        Use current instead to swap populations
        population[:] = offspring

        Append current statistics to the log
        record = stats.compile(population) if stats else {}
        if verbose:
    return population,logbook
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Genetic process

Use the main function to complete the genetic flow

def main() :
    Create an initial population
    population = toolbox.populationCreator(n=POPULATION_SIZE)

    Register statistics to listen on
    stats = tools.Statistics(lambda ind:

    # instance alias person hall object
    hof = tools.HallOfFame(HALL_OF_FAME_SIZE)

    Run the genetic algorithm
    population,logbook = eaSimpleWithElitism(population,
    # Print Hall of Famer
    print("- Best solutions are:")
    for i in range(HALL_OF_FAME_SIZE):
        print(i,":",hof.items[i].fitness.values[0]."- >",hof.items[i])
    # Draw statistical results
    minFitnessValues,meanFitnessValues ="min"."avg")
    plt.ylabel('Min / Average Fitness')
    plt.title('Min and Average fitness over Generations')

    # Draw the best solution
    sns.set_style("whitegrid", {'axes.grid' : False})

    # Draw result display
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The results of


if __name__ == "__main__":
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A printout of the Hall of Famers can be seen:

- Best solutions are:
0 :  0.0  ->  Individual('i'[])
1 :  0.0  ->  Individual('i'[])
2 :  0.0  ->  Individual('i'[])
3 :  0.0  ->  Individual('i'[])...29 :  1.0  ->  Individual('i'[])
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Draw the best solution:

Minimum fitness and average fitness changes: