1. Find Proxy Setting in Prox

2. Set an unused port and select Support HTTP/2, Enalble Transparent HTTP Proxing

, click ok

3. Then click Help –> SSL Proxing –> Install Charles Root Certificates on a Mobile Device or Remote Browser

4. At this time, a dialog box pops up. The IP and port number above are the agent to be configured on the wifi corresponding to the mobile phone.

5. Ok, NOW I open the mobile phone, open the setting and configure the proxy on the corresponding wifi (enter the IP address and port number, confirm).

6. Go back to the PC Charles interface and check this option

7. Click here, you will find a mobile Ip in the Ip Range, which means that the phone has been added successfully.

8. Finally, visit CHLS. Pro/SSL in your mobile browser to download and install the corresponding package. Once downloaded, ios has to go to Settings – General – Description files and Device Management for installation. After installation go to the general – about native – certificate trust Settings (bottom), trust a bit.

9. To capture a domain name, set SSL Proxing: Enabled

Finally, you can have fun playing, over, done