I haven’t used the vase for a long time, so today I have a chance to grab the data and review it.

Of course, Charles isn’t just used to grab data and learn, it’s also used by programmers to find bugs.

Main process:

  1. Install Charles
  2. Configure the Charles root certificate
  3. Configure the certificate on the mobile device
  4. Start fetching data

Step1. Download and install Charles

Here, I use Charles V4.0.2, and the installation package can be downloaded by Baidu. When double-click installation failure occurs, as shown below:

You need to change your computer’s configuration: security and Privacy for general to any source. However, there may not be any source option, in which case you need to enter the command line at the terminal.

sudo spctl --master-disable
Copy the code

Open Charles and show the main page:

Step2 configure the Charles root certificate

Open Charles configuration and follow the following figure:

The key chain will then pop up, at which point the root certificate will still not be trusted. The diagram below:

Since the system does not trust Charles’ certificate by default, we need to right-click the certificate and choose “Show Introduction” from the pop-up drop-down menu. When clicking to use this certificate, change the default of using the system to always trust, as shown below:

When closed, it will find that Charles’ certificate has been trusted, as shown below:

Step3. Configure the certificate on the mobile device

Select install Charles root certificate on test mobile device as shown below:

After the selection, a prompt box for COMPUTER IP address and port will pop up, as shown below:

If we turn it off accidentally, it can also be found on the network, as shown below:

Enter the mobile network Settings screen and fill in:

Then install the APP that you need to grab the data. If the popbox is an untrusted enterprise developer, we need to verify trust in general-device management

If the App is in App Store, you need to open the browser of the mobile phone and enter charlesproxy.com/getssl, the following interface will pop up:

After the installation is successful, the following picture will appear:

Step4. Start to capture data

If the current interface still does not obtain HTTPS data, we will operate in SSL Proxy Setting of Charles as shown in the following figure:

Select Enable SSL Proxying and click Add. Host indicates the IP address or link you want to extract, and Port 443.

Once the setup is complete, you can grab the data.

At this point, you’re ready to test.