Last night I upgraded CocosPads1.0, but the installation was successful. Now I found several problems when RUNNING POD Install in the project. It was too late yesterday. Let’s keep it up today. Today, CocosPods1.0 is complete, including installation, running, and a 1.0 upgrade to an open source project called PodFile. When I run Pod Install, I find CocoaPods notifies me that version 1.0 is available, so I plan to upgrade. CocoaPods 1.0.0 is available. To update use: gem install CocoaPods

Sudo gem install -n /usr/local/bin cocoapods –pre sudo gem install -n /usr/local/bin cocoapods –pre

$ sudo gem install cocoapods ERROR: While executing gem ... (Errno::EPERM) Operation not permitted - /usr/bin/xcodeproj $ ls -al /usr/bin/xcodeproj ls: cannot access /usr/bin/xcodeproj: No such file or directory $sudo gem install -n /usr/local/bin cocoapods --pre Successfully installed XcodeProj-1.0.0 Gem (100%) Successfully installed molinilo-0.4.5 Fetching: Gem (100%) Successfully installed cocoapods-try-1.0.0Copy the code

Error: Pod install failed to run under project:

Od the install/Library/Ruby/Gems / 2.0.0 / Gems/cocoapods - 1.0.0 / lib/cocoapods/sources_manager rb: 159: in ` ': uninitialized constant Pod::SourcesManagerMissingConstant::Set (NameError) from / Library/Ruby/Gems / 2.0.0 / Gems/cocoapods 1.0.0 / lib/cocoapods/sources_manager rb: 158: ` 'in the from / Library/Ruby/Gems / 2.0.0 / Gems/cocoapods 1.0.0 / lib/cocoapods/sources_manager rb: 3: ` 'in the from / Library/Ruby/Site / 2.0.0 / rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require rb: 69: in ` require 'the from / Library/Ruby/Site / 2.0.0 / rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require rb: 69: in ` require 'the from / Library/Ruby/Gems / 2.0.0 / Gems/cocoapods 1.0.0 / lib/cocoapods/core_overrides rb: 1: ` 'in the from / Library/Ruby/Site / 2.0.0 / rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require rb: 69: in ` require 'the from / Library/Ruby/Site / 2.0.0 / rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require rb: 69: in ` require 'the from / Library/Ruby/Gems / 2.0.0 / Gems/cocoapods - 1.0.0 / lib/cocoapods rb: 71: ` 'in the from / Library/Ruby/Gems / 2.0.0 / Gems/cocoapods - 1.0.0 / lib/cocoapods rb: 17: ` 'in the from / Library/Ruby/Site / 2.0.0 / rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require rb: 69: in ` require 'the from / Library/Ruby/Site / 2.0.0 / rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require rb: 69: in ` require 'the from / Library/Ruby/Gems / 2.0.0 / Gems/cocoapods - 1.0.0 / bin/pod: 36: ` in 'the from/usr/local/bin/pod: 23: in ` load' the from /usr/local/bin/pod:23:in `'Copy the code

I searched online and found that this issue has been closed, but it seems that it has not been updated,… Have to oneself see code changes: modify/Library/Ruby/Gems / 2.0.0 / Gems/cocoapods – 1.0.0 / lib/cocoapods/sources_manager rb in the second line

Save the file, you need to enter the password.

Error: Pod install failed to install

edhita $ pod install Re-creating CocoaPods due to major version update. [!]  `:head` dependencies have been removed. Please use normal external source dependencies (`:git => 'GIT_REPO_URL'`) instead of `:head` for `EDHFontSelector`.Copy the code

CocoaPods 1.0 release is not compatible with CocoaPods 1.0 release. The :head syntax is not supported, and target must be present.

Here’s an official migration guide to embrace CocoaPods 1.0

Here is an example of how to upgrade the markdown editor you are working on using the Podfile of Edhita, originally at… Code before migration:

Platform: ios, "8.0" source '' pod 'EDHFinder', '~ > 0.1' 'EDHFontSelector pod, :head pod 'EDHInputAccessoryView', '~> 0.1' pod 'Google-mobile-adS-SDK' pod 'Colours', '~> 5.5' pod 'FXForms', '~ > 1.2' pod 'GHMarkdownParser', '~ > 0.1 pod' VTAcknowledgementsViewController ', '~ > 0.12 pod' Bootstrap 'podspec: '' pod 'Megrim', podspec: '' pod 'github-markdown-css', podspec: '' post_install do |installer| require 'fileutils' FileUtils.cp_r('Pods/Target Support Files/Pods/Pods-acknowledgements.plist', 'Edhita/Assets/Pods-acknowledgements.plist') endCopy the code

Code after upgrading to cocosPods 1.0

Platform: ios, "8.0" source '' target 'Edhita pod' EDHFinder ', '~> 0.1' pod 'EDHFontSelector', '~> 0.1' pod 'EDHInputAccessoryView', '~> 0.1' pod 'Google-mobile-adS-SDK' pod 'Colours', '~> 5.5' pod 'FXForms', '~> 1.2' pod 'GHMarkdownParser', '~ > 0.1' pod 'VTAcknowledgementsViewController', '~ > 0.12 # pod' Bootstrap 'podspec: '' # pod 'Megrim', podspec: '' # pod 'github-markdown-css', podspec: '' post_install do |installer| require 'fileutils' # FileUtils.cp_r('Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-Edhita/Pods-Edhita-acknowledgements.plist', 'Edhita/Assets/Pods-acknowledgements.plist') endCopy the code

I was lazy enough to comment out some code that I didn’t need, run Pod Install, Xcode opens Edhita. Xcworkspace, and compile it. Results the following

After four and a half years of development, the release of version 1.0 is a bit of a bumbler. Cherish life, new project embrace Carthage. However, you can’t do without CocoaPods. Many open source projects use CocoaPods, so don’t upgrade 1.0 for now.

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