Flutter 2.0

  1. Providing support for building applications across all platforms (iOS, Android, Windows, macOS, Linux, Web, and embedded), Flutter transforms from a mobile framework to a portable device framework.

  2. More than 15W apps have been launched on the Play Store, and Google itself has a number of products using Flutter. In particular, Google Pay rewrote the entire application.

  3. This release is a complete cross-platform application: Flutter Folio covers multiple platforms. Source code, related session

  4. For all kinds of sizes of models and even folding screen made functional adaptation.

  5. A stable Web version of Flutter has been released, with significantly improved performance. A CanvasKit-based renderer has also been added, as well as widgets such as Link Widgets. To ensure that the app experience on the browser is more like a Web app. Demo iRobot DartPad Related session

    • Progressive Web applications (feel like using an APP when using the Web.) : Progressive web apps(PWAs)
    • Single Page Apps (SPAs)
    • H5: Existing Flutter mobile apps
  6. The final stable release of MacOS, Windows, and Linux submissions (actually known as beta, or preview) will be released this year. Added some unique desktop features that allow you to publish executables individually for these desktop platforms. Ubuntu’s next desktop installer will also be written with Flutter.

  7. Can be used for embedded, such as automotive on-board systems.

  8. Dart adds null-safety features to help you eliminate Null reference Null Null errors.

    • Portability, can generate high-performance Intel and ARM machine code, generate highly optimized JS code in the Web.
    • Improve production efficiency, can be hot overload, and has the mode of Web asynchronous concurrency.
    • Code robustness. Null-safety runtime type feature was added this time. Sound Null Safety Makes type system checking more robust. It ensures that no non-null expression can be evaluated to Null, preventing crashes caused by Null.
    • Add THE Dart FFI to call the C API
    • The resources
    • Migration data
    • The migration video
  9. The Flutter team provides some tools for Flutter2

    • Flutter Fix: Allows quick migration of API deprecated by Flutter in code. (Migrate via the light bulb feature or dart Fix on the command line)
    • Dart Migrate: Helps developers migrate from an unenabled state to an enabled state. (specific migration can refer to the video: www.bilibili.com/video/BV1sy.)
    • Flutter DevTools update: Some exceptions thrown by Flutter DevTools such as overflow problems can be located directly from Flutter DevTools. We’ve also added tools like Invert Retro Images, APP Size, Layout Explorer(you can see more Layout structures), FPS, a trackable history Log, and more.
    • DartPad already supports Flutter 2, i.e., null-safety
  10. Add Ads to Flutter to allow developers to generate revenue from Ads on Flutter. Google Mobile Ads SDK for Flutter

  1. Add new iOS features and components such as: IPA can be derived directly from the command line, convenient CI. CupertinoSearchTextField, CupertinoFormSection CupertinoFormRow and CupertinoTextFormFieldRow and so on.

  1. Add Autocomplete and ScaffoldMessenger widgets

  2. There are many improvements to the add-to-app functionality, such as how to integrate the first page into native, how to maintain the native and flutter navigation stack, and the memory overhead of multiple FLUTTER instances. The related documents

  3. Renewal of Flutter ecology,

    1. For example, the Firebase plugin is fully updated to support null-safety
    2. For example, some of the Flutter community plug-ins also support null-safety
  4. A third-party website for checking Flutter version compatibility with plug-ins: pub.green

The Dart 2.12

There are two main features in this language update

  1. Sound NULL Safety: Helps you avoid exception errors generated by NULL. video
  2. Dart FFI: Code that can call C, such as the Windows Win32 APIs.

The Dart language is unique in three ways

Migration plan

API migration: DART Fix or IDE Null-safety migration: Migration data migration video

Related articles and videos

Flutter 2 official announcement article Dart 2.12 official announcement article Flutter’s Web Support blog post. Activity video