• Surface Options:
    • Used to control the overall appearance of the material.
    • Here we can choose whether the Surface Type is Opaque or Transparent,
    • Material Type.

  • Surface Inputs:
    • HDRP supports Metallic/Smoothness workflows by default (HDRP can also support Specular workflows when Specular Color is selected as the material type).
    • By controlling the parameters Metallic and Smoothness, we can simulate most realistic materials based on real-world values.
    • Here we can associate most of the required textures, such as Base Map, Mask Map, Normal Map, etc. We can also control the Tiling and Offset values of the texture.
  • Detail Inputs:
    • An additional detail texture can be associated here to add more microscopic detail to the surface of the object.
  • Emission Inputs:
    • This is used to control all parameters related to spontaneous lighting. We can control the color, intensity and so on.
  • Advanced Options:
    • More advanced features such as enabling/disabling GPU Instancing, Specular Occlusion Mode, and more.
  • If we select the surface type Transparent, the additional Transparency Inputs parameter appears in the material screen