Abstract: At the Percona Live Open Source Database conference, the MySQL Community Committee announced that aliCloud was the only MySQL Corporate Contributor Award for 2018.

On the right is Peng Lixun, RDS team of Alibaba Cloud Database

The MySQL community awards this award to thank Ali Cloud for its continuous contribution of Patch and Idea to the community, its continuous help to the official and community to improve MySQL, its open source AliSQL and supporting AliXtrabackup backup tool, and its investment in MariaDB to protect the open source ecosystem of MySQL. This is the first time the MySQL Community Awards have been given to A Chinese company since its inception in 2005.

The following Patch and Idea you may have heard about or are solving your business needs on Ali Cloud RDS:

1. Multiple Source Replication

Based on the Binary log-based one-way one-to-many replication in MySQL, multi-source replication implements many-to-many replication between nodes, enabling data to be freely aggregated and split on multiple nodes.

This feature was officially included in MySQL 5.7.6.

2. FlashBack

The FlashBack implements custom logical rollback based on Binary Log to easily handle misoperations on MySQL and reduce o&M risks.

FlashBack is available on the Aliyun RDS MySQL public cloud and is released in the community version MariaDB 10.3.

3. Sequence

Sequence object is a unique method of AliSQL to provide simple access to monotonically increasing unique values, which is compatible with the usage syntax of Oracle, SQL Server and other databases.

Users can experience it on the RDS MySQL public cloud or download the open source version of AliSQL. Sequence features are also incorporated in MariaDB 10.3.

4. The column compression

For Text or JSON fields with high compression ratio, AliSQL provides a simple COMPRESS syntax for COLUMN, supporting compression for a single COLUMN.

With significant space savings, column compression is also provided in the MariaDB release.

5. Add columns dynamically

AliSQL designed a new record format named COMFORT for the situation that the whole table needs to be copied when adding fields in MySQL table structure. In the process of adding fields, only the data dictionary is changed without modifying the record itself.
It can realize the change at the millisecond level. At present, this function has been open source in AliSQL branch.

6. Self-increment column persistence

MySQL AUTO_INCREMENT field implements the generation of self-increment ID, but it is only stored in memory. If there is an unexpected downtime or restart, the self-increment will be lost. AliSQL uses the bits reserved in the SEGMENT HEADER of the table to implement the persistence of self-increment columns.

Aliyun RDS MySQL can guarantee that the value of the increment column is not lost. This feature is also included in MariaDB version 10.3.

7. SemiSync optimization

Static compilation and optimization of SemiSync PLUGIN for at least 10% performance improvement.

8. Hundreds of InnoDB Engine missing limits and optimization patches

AliSQL has made a lot of optimizations for InnoDB Engine, such as Double Log Buffer, Transaction Lock optimization, independent Log writer Thread optimization, etc.

Significantly improved performance of InnoDB Engine, most of which is indexed by MySQL official and other branches,

9. Cross – Engines backup

AliSQL actively embraces the community and maintains support for multiple engines. In actual use, operation and maintenance, an online backup scheme of single instance and multiple engines has been formed, and open source has been carried out in AliSQLBackup project.
It’s also giving back to other branches.

Most of the functions developed by AliSQL are not only available to public cloud users, but also actively open source. Most of them have been absorbed by official MySQL or MariaDB or Percona. Ali cloud has always uphold the embrace, feedback, integration, return of open source ideas to feed the open source community.

PS: The Corporate Contributor Award has been awarded to Github, Facebook, Oracle, WebScaleSQL Alliance (including Facebook, Google, Twitter, LinkedIn, Alibaba)
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