The @RestControllerAdvice and ResponseBodyAdvice handle controller layer interface returns uniformly

1. Theoretical knowledge

To return the contents of the controller layer uniformly, we use @controllerAdvice ResponseBodyAdvice

  • @RestControllerAdvice

A handy comment with @ControllerAdvice and @responseBody annotations itself, and the type that carries this annotation is considered a controller notification but in short, it’s an enhancement of the methods in the Controller layer

  • ResponseBodyAdvice

Allow the response to be customized after the @responseBody or ResponseEntity controller method executes, but before the body is written using HttpMessageConverter

The ResponseBodyAdvice interface is a ResponseBodyAdvice interface that processes the reponse data after the controller layer method executes and before the response is returned to the front end. The ResponseBodyAdvice interface is a ResponseBodyAdvice interface that processes the response data after the controller layer method executes and before the response is returned to the front end data.

2. Give examples

  • 2.1 Write uniform return data format code
@RestControllerAdvice @Slf4j public class UnifiedAdvice implements ResponseBodyAdvice { @Override public boolean supports(MethodParameter returnType, Class converterType) {// If @responsenotIntercept is added then AnnotatedElement does not have to do a uniform interception AnnotatedElement = returnType.getParameterType(); ResponseNotIntercept annotation = AnnotationUtils.findAnnotation(annotatedElement, ResponseNotIntercept.class); return annotation == null; } @Override public Object beforeBodyWrite(Object body, MethodParameter returnType, MediaType selectedContentType, Class selectedConverterType, ServerHttpRequest request, ServerHttpResponse response) { if (body instanceof CommonResult) return body; CommonResult<Object> objectCommonResult = new CommonResult<>(ResultCode.SUCCESS, body); Return objectCommonResult; // Return objectCommonResult; }}Copy the code

Note: Implementing the ResponseBodyAdvice interface requires overriding the supports,beforeBodyWrite method;

Supports: supports the given controller method return type and the selected HttpMessageConverter type; If not, the data will not be processed in a uniform manner. As in the above code, the @responsenotIntercept annotation will not be intercepted (@responsenotIntercept is a custom annotation).

Parameters: returnType: returnType; ConverterType: the selected converterType

Return: Calls beforeBodyWrite if true is returned

BeforeBodyWrite: called after HttpMessageConverter is selected and before its write method is called.

Parameters: Body: the data you pass in; ReturnType: The type returned by the controller layer method; SelectedContentType: Content type selected through content negotiation; SelectedConverterType: Selects the type of converter to write the response; Request/Reponse: Indicates the current request and response

Return: incoming data or modified (possibly new) instances

  • 2.2 Writing contrller layer methods
@RestController @Slf4j @RequestMapping("/baseInfo") public class BaseInfoController { @Autowired private BaseInfoService  baseInfoService; /** * Add basic information * @param info * @return */ @postMapping ("/addBaseInfo") public BaseInfo addBaseInfo(@requestBody BaseInfo) info){ BaseInfo baseInfo = baseInfoService.addBaseInfo(info); return baseInfo; }}Copy the code

The control layer returns an object, and the business layer data layer method omits only the results returned after execution to do unified processing:

  • 2.3 Return objects uniformly
@Data @Slf4j public class CommonResult<T> { private String code; private String message; private T Data; public CommonResult() { } public CommonResult(T data) { Data = data; } /** * The default value is null * @param rc */ public CommonResult(rc) {this(rc, null); } public CommonResult(ResultCode rc, T data) { this.code = rc.getCode(); this.message = rc.getMsg(); this.Data = data; } public static<T> CommonResult<T> errorResult(ResultCode rc,T data){ CommonResult<T> commonResult = new CommonResult<>(); commonResult.code = rc.getCode(); commonResult.message = rc.getMsg(); commonResult.Data = data == null? (T) "" :data; log.error("{}",commonResult); return commonResult; }}Copy the code

ResultCode is its own custom enumeration classes such as:

3. Analysis of common errors

But is that all right? Actually otherwise what happens if you return a string in a controller layer method? Please look at:

@postMapping ("/test") public String addBaseInfo(){return "I return a String "; }Copy the code

Console error:

org.springframework.web.util.NestedServletException: Request processing failed; nested exception is java.lang.ClassCastException: com.flscode.publicApi.Response.CommonResult cannot be cast to java.lang.String

Caused by: java.lang.ClassCastException: com.flscode.publicApi.Response.CommonResult cannot be cast to java.lang.String

To solve

Analysis: Normal data return:String data return break point:Reason: By default, SpringMVC registers some of its ownHttpMessageConvertorOrder (from ByteArrayHttpMessageConverter, StringHttpMessageConverter, ResourceHttpMessageConverter respectively, SourceHttpMessageConverter, AllEncompassingFormHttpMessageConverter), back-end services using the form of a Restful API, before and after the end of the specification is usually the json format, for SpringMVC cabinMappingJackson2HttpMessageConverterAfter the Jackson package is introduced into the dependency, the container willMappingJackson2HttpMessageConverterAutomatically register to the end of the Converter chain (this end is…

So as you can see from the two figures above, the method here is to loop through the HttpMessageConverter collection, using the converter if it is available, and when you return a string of data, Because StringHttpMessageConverter will be traversed to first, then will think StringHttpMessageConverter can use, so will be an error when ResponseBodyAdvice encapsulated data


@Override public Object beforeBodyWrite(Object body, MethodParameter returnType, MediaType selectedContentType, Class selectedConverterType, ServerHttpRequest request, ServerHttpResponse response) { if (body instanceof CommonResult) return body; CommonResult<Object> objectCommonResult = new CommonResult<>(ResultCode.SUCCESS, body); if (body instanceof String){ String s = JSON.toJSONString(new CommonResult<>(ResultCode.SUCCESS, body)); return s; } // Return objectCommonResult; }Copy the code

The controller layer:

@PostMapping(value = "/test",produces = "application/json; Charset = utF-8 ") public String test(){return "I return a String "; }Copy the code

Return result:

4. To summarize

In our separate development, the back end usually returns a common format to the front end. Every time we write a method at the controller layer, we need to wrap CommonResult, which is a lot of unnecessary code. So, every time we write a method at the controller layer, Instead of encapsulating the CommonResult object every time, we’ll encapsulate the CommonResult object for uniform interception: Use @RestControllerAdvice and ResponseBodyAdvice to do the same processing, and note that the return string of the method is processed accordingly, for reasons mentioned in # 3.