Interface management

And so on to find the right data and methods to write. La la la ~ ~ ~

RSA encryption for UNI-app

Import the jsencrypt.js file

Jsencrypt. js download address

Encapsulation encryption and decryption method

  • The introduction of jsencrypt
import JsEncrypt from ".. /js/jsencrypt";
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  • Instantiate a JsEncrypt object
let jse = new JsEncrypt();
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  • Set up the private key
jse.setPrivateKey(Fill in your own private key);
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  • Encapsulation encryption and decryption method
/ / encryption
function encrypt(val) {
  return jse.encrypt(val);

/ / decryption
function decrypt(val) {
  return jse.decrypt(val);
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  • Methods derived
export default {
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  • The complete code
import JsEncrypt from ".. /js/jsencrypt";

// instantiate a JSEncrypt object
let jse = new JsEncrypt();

// Set the private key
jse.setPrivateKey(Fill in your own private key);

/ / encryption
function encrypt(val) {
  return jse.encrypt(val);

/ / decryption
function decrypt(val) {
  return jse.decrypt(val);

export default {

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The main js mount

Mount the method in main.js for global use.

import jsEncrypt from "./common/utils/jsEncrypt";
// Introduce encryption
Vue.prototype.$jsEncrypt = jsEncrypt;
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Use in a separate page

// The actual parameter is in json format
let param = JSON.stringify({
  name: "Zhang".age: 24});// The interface encrypts the parameter
let enc_p = {
  json: param,
  sign: this.$jsEncrypt.encrypt(param),
console.log("[ enc_p ] >", enc_p);

// Decrypt the encrypted string
let dec_p = this.$jsEncrypt.decrypt(enc_p.sign);
console.log("[ dec_p ] >".JSON.parse(dec_p));
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