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We all know that VUe2 implements bidirectional binding based on Object.defineProperty to monitor data changes.

The definition of the Object. DefineProperty ()

The object.defineProperty () method directly defines a new property on an Object, or modifies an existing property of an Object, and returns the Object. Object.defineProperty(obj, prop, descriptor)

Obj: parameter to be defined prop: Attribute name descriptor to be defined or modified Property descriptor to be modified Property descriptor writable

const obj = {}
Object.defineProperty(obj, 'property1', {value:"zz".writable:true});
//writable: Whether it can be modified
obj.property1 = "hh"
// {property1:"hh"}
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The property descriptor Enumerable

Var obj = {} // Enumerable is set to false and cannot be enumerable. Object.defineProperty(obj,"newKey",{ value:"hello", writable:false, enumerable:false }); For (var attr in obj){console.log(attr); } // Enumerable is true and can be enumerable. Object.defineProperty(obj,"newKey",{ value:"hello", writable:false, enumerable:true }); For (var attr in obj){console.log(attr); //newKey }Copy the code

Property descriptors get,set

const obj = {};
Object.defineProperty(obj, 'property1', {
    get: function () {},set: function (val) {
obj.property1 = "zz"
// {property1:"zz"}
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Both get and set functions do not have to be defined. Defining only the fetch function means that the property is read-only and attempts to modify the property are ignored. In strict mode, trying to write a property that defines only the fetch function throws an error. Similarly, only one set function property is unreadable, with undefined returned in non-strict mode and an error thrown in strict mode.

The implementation of a simple version of bidirectional binding

const obj = {}; Object.defineProperty(obj, 'text', { get: function() { console.log('get val'); }, set: function(newVal) { console.log('set val:' + newVal); document.getElementById('input').value = newVal; document.getElementById('span').innerHTML = newVal; }}); const input = document.getElementById('input'); input.addEventListener('keyup', function(e){ obj.text = e.target.value; })Copy the code