Recently, a friend of mine was looking for a job. He was often asked about his understanding of undefined in an interview, but his answer was not comprehensive. After careful consideration, we may sometimes ignore these very basic details, so today I will make a detailed summary of undefined

1. Undefined is a primitive data type and a primitive value.

2, undefined is a property of the global object window.undefined.

3, writable: false

window.undefined = 123;
console.log( undefined );
// undefined
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4. No additional information can be configured, exercising any control system: false

delete window.undefined;
console.log( undefined );
// undefined
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Enumerable: False

for( var k in window) {
   if( k === undefined) { cosole.log( k ); }}// No output
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6. Cannot be redefined

Object.definProperty(window.'undefined', {
   writable: true.enumberable: true.configurable: true
// The result is incorrect
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7. The system will automatically assign the value of undefined to the variable

var a;
console.log( a );
// undefined
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8. If the function does not return a value, the system will automatically return undefined

function a () {
   console.warn('123')}console.log( a() );
// undefined
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9, global: window.undefined cannot be written, but local scope can be reassigned.

var undefined = 1;  // assign window.undefined
console.log( undefined );
// undefined; undefined
function test() {
   var undefined = 1;
   console.log( undefined )
// 1 The reason is that undefined is not a js keyword.
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Undefined is not a js keyword, so you can use undefined as a variable name in a local scope.

  1. How to tell ifundefined

To check whether the value is undefined, use congruence ===

var a;
console.log(false)}// true
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Why not use == in case of error

var a=null;
console.log(false)}// The result is also true
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To prevent this, it is best to use congruence

Since undefined can be reassigned as a variable name in a local scope, it is best to use void(0) or window.undefined instead. Void (0) returns undefined, which is more efficient than window.undefined.

11, undefined variable, typeof will output undefined, will not report error

var a ;
console.log(typeof a) ; //undefined;
console.log(typeof b); //undefined
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Because typeof is processed. Therefore, undefined variables will not fail, but return undefined

If console.log(b) is printed separately, an error is reported.

VM402:1 Uncaught ReferenceError: b is not defined at <anonymous>:1:13

A. in B. in C. in D. in

var a;
if('a' in window) {console.log(true)}else {
  console.log(false)}Copy the code

Void keyword

Void (0) : evaluates 0 to return undefined

Void returns undefined

The use of the void

Assign a value undefined

var a,b,c;

a= void(b=1,c=2);

//undefined 1 2
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console.log( void(0) === window.undefined );

The result is true;


function test(){
  var undefined =1;
  console.log(undefined); / / 1
  console.log(void(0)); //undefined
  console.log(undefined= = =void(0)); //false
  console.log(window.undefined===void(0)); //true
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Void (0); void(1); void(100); or window.undefined

Void (0) is more efficient than window.undefined

Now, the code is relatively regular, so void(0) is less common. But the underlying code will still be useful

Finally, I want you to code the specification