UI design, including APP design, web design, small program design, etc. The complete UI design process of a product refers to the process of getting a new project requirement, starting from design thinking, pre-product analysis, product design, design review, user test, and product launch.

Our workflow is as follows:

The above processes are closely related to designers, and our focus should not only be on visual effects. Isolated design is easy to be separated from the product and repeatedly modified, so early analysis and later support are worth our attention.

The first stage after the project is the demand analysis stage, when we get a new demand, the first thing we need to understand is what the product demand is, understand the market background, product positioning, concept, what the customer demand is.

Generally speaking, the requests we receive fall into three categories: new products, new features for existing products, and product revisions.

Requirements document type

In the preliminary analysis stage, the demander mainly communicates with the product manager, and there are three types of output documents:

  • BRD Business Requirement Document (BRD) : a Document (report) describing product requirements based on Business objectives or values.

  • MRD Market Requirement Document (MRD) : a Document that describes the requirements of a product and is prepared by the product manager or marketing manager.

  • Product Requirement Document (PRD) : The Product Requirement Document describes the business Requirement Document (BRD) and market Requirement Document (MRD) in a more professional language.

Recommended for analysis websites

  • Internet Data center: www.199it.com/

  • Iresearch – Internet data and information aggregation platform: www.iresearch.cn/

  • Data Analysis network: www.afenxi.com/

  • 36 kr: 36 kr.com/

Product analysis latitude

With reference sources, we can analyze products from five dimensions.

1. Product analysis

Market background, product business, existing product data.

2. User portrait

  • Explicit portrait: that is, the visual description of the characteristics of the user group. Such as the target user’s age, gender, occupation, region, hobbies and other characteristics.

  • Recessive portrait: the description of the user’s inner and deep characteristics. It includes the user’s purpose of product use, user preference, user demand, product use scenario, product use frequency, etc.

3. Requirement confirmation

Product requirements are mainly to meet the value of users or enterprises, so it is necessary to confirm what important and critical requirements are, what functions and contents do not need to be done temporarily, what functions and contents are put in the later stage, so the design should also consider the future scalability of the product.

4. Logical flow

  • Logical flow, the logic of the whole product, internal flow;
  • User path: describes the path of a user within a product.

5. Analysis of competitive products

And domestic and foreign similar products for comparative analysis, know the enemy.

Competitive product selection, starting from two directions:

  • From the product type: for example, the product we need to design is financial, and the direction we choose is similar financial products;

  • Start from product functions: for example, financial products have the function of payment and purchase, and competing products also include shopping and life products.

Finally, there are three things that designers can learn at this stage more than product managers:

  • What you need to accomplish;
  • To what extent;
  • Consideration of expansibility, can be reserved in the design.

Document organizing tool

Language finch: www.yuque.com

Us: www.mockplus.cn/

To conclude this requirements analysis part, part II: A Super Comprehensive UI Workflow Guide (Part II) : Prototyping