Jenkins is introduced

Build greatness and do anything

Jenkins is the leader in open source CI&CD software, providing over 1,000 plug-ins to support build, deployment, automation, and any project needs.

System requirements

Minimum recommended configuration:

  • 256MB of available memory
  • 1GB of available disk space (10GB recommended for Jenkins running as a Docker container)

Recommended hardware configuration for small teams:

  • 1GB+ available memory
  • 50 GB+ available disk space

Software configuration:

  • Java 8 – Either the Java runtime environment (JRE) or the Java Development Kit (JDK) works.

Note: This is not required if Jenkins is running as a Docker container.

The installation platform

This article describes how to install/run Jenkins on an Ubuntu system.

Install/Run (automatic run)

Install OpenJDK first, then install Jenkins, enter the following commands.

sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk
wget -q -O - | sudo apt-key add -
sudo sh -c 'echo deb binary/ > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/jenkins.list'
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install jenkins
Copy the code

Installing this package will:

  • willJenkins Set to the daemon to start at startup. To view/etc/init.d/jenkinsFor more details
  • To create ajenkinsThe user runs the service
  • Output console logs directly to a file/var/log/jenkins/jenkins.log. If you are working on a Jenkins problem, please check this file
  • /etc/default/jenkins’ populates configuration parameters for boot, such as JENKINS_HOME
  • Set Jenkins to listen on port 8080. Use a browser to access this port to begin the configuration

If your /etc/init.d/ Jenkins file cannot start Jenkins, edit /etc/default/Jenkins, change —-HTTP_PORT=8080—- to —-HTTP_PORT=8081—- 8081 can also be changed to another available port.

Post-installation setup wizard

After downloading, installing, and running Jenkins, you are about to enter the Installation wizard.

This installation wizard takes you through a few quick “one-time” steps to unlock Jenkins, customize it using the plug-in, and create the first administrator user with continued access to Jenkins.

Unlock Jenkins

When you first access a new Jenkins instance, you will be asked to unlock it using an automatically generated password.

Open http://localhost:8080 in your browser (or whatever port you configured for Jenkins when installing) and wait for the Unlock Jenkins page to appear.

In Jenkins’ log file output, copy the automatically generated alphanumeric password (between two sets of asterisks).

The path is as follows:

Copy the code

Enter the duplicate password and click continue button to enter the following interface

Here we choose to continue using the admin account

This is normally the case, but there may be some red errors indicating that some plug-ins failed to install, in which case we just need to retry a few times

Then we enter the following interface, click save and finish button

At this time, we will enter the following interface, the page reminds us that Jenkins is ready, we click the button to start using Jenkins

After entering the following interface, it means that Jenkins has been officially installed

Reference documentation

Jenkins User Documentation Center

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