Install Ubuntu 16.04 on a DELL E7450 laptop

After the UEFI installation mode is selected, Secure Boot On is enabled. EFI Boot will not be set before. You only need to set the Boot Settings to /EFI/Ubuntu/ Grubx64. EFI or shim**. EFI.

The language is English. The installation process is not connected to the Internet. After installing the USB disk, the wireless network card is not recognized because there is no driver.

The method to obtain the wireless network card model is as follows

$ lspci | grep -i net
$ sudo lshw -C network
Copy the code

Then I searched and learned that APT can install the driver, connect to the cable network, and install. The command is as follows:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install bcmwl-kernel-source
sudo modprobe wl
Copy the code

Because Secure Boot is enabled, you need to set the password for disabling Secure Boot. Therefore, the third command fails to be executed. You need to restart to complete the installation. After the restart, the password input screen is displayed. After a few characters pass, Secure Boot is disabled (it is better to disable it at the beginning). The wireless NIC driver is installed. When it starts up again, you can connect to wi-fi.

Install sogou input method, direct official website download DEB file, install. After the installation can not be used, because the language is missing, open system Settings – language support, automatically update the language, restart the system, input method can be used.

Then search tsinghua AOSP image, enter the website, download the REPO file, set the environment variable, remember to set the REPO_URL, the URL link to the official website is wrong, remove the last /. Finally you can download the source code, the template command is as follows:

$ mkdir studio-master-dev
$ cd studio-master-dev
$ repo init -u -b studio-master-dev
$ repo sync
Copy the code

According to the official tutorials, change the to tsinghua university’s image.