This is the first day of my participation in Gwen Challenge

Typora: a popular MD text editor

Typora usage details

Installation, path configuration


After the installation, the default path is drive C. Therefore, change path 1.Md File Path 2.Img path, set the relative path

Picgo + Gitee chart bed construction

PicGo: a tool that automatically converts local images into links

  1. Download the Gitee plug-in (install Node first)

  1. Gitee creates a map bed repository

    Create a public repository

  2. Gitee token acquisition

  1. Configuration PicGo

That’s it. I’ve tested it.

Typora is used in configuration

  1. Image upload service set picgo path

Verification error

  1. Modify PicGo listening port, verify

The default listening port of picgo is inconsistent with that of Typora. Change it to 36677The test succeeded.

Typora test

After adding pictures can upload images in the format, when inserting local pictures can be set to automatically upload pictures on the right click can also directly upload picturesSmall problem: the picture is not displayed slightly larger, need to compress.

Appendix: Markdown syntax
