Do you really know how to use Typora?

Java public welcome attention blogger, “master”, focus on dry articles, share the Java industry attention reply “subject”, obtain the master using typora theme:

If you use markdown syntax a lot, you probably know this tool. It’s a common tool for many people, but do you know this tool?

Typora is a Markdown text editor that supports live preview. It is available on OS X, Windows, and Linux, and is completely free as it is still in beta

It has the following characteristics:

  • You can use markdown syntax
  • I need to edit a lot of code
  • Good editing support for mathematical formulas

But Typora has a secret side to it. Here’s a closer look

First, Typora is essentially a browser

1. Debug mode is enabled through preference Settings

2, right click to enter the review mode, you can see the same HTML elements as Google Chrome, with various div and CSS styles, etc

Two, typora editing style is different

Many of you may be wondering why my Typora style is written differently than someone else’s style. Why?
Since Typora is essentially a browser, we can modify typora’s CSS styles

1. We open the theme of Typora, enter the CSS style folder, and open the CSS style for modification

2, open the CSS style, edit the CSS style, you can realize the style change

Typora changes after the style change (create your own theme)

  • The original Typora style is shown below:

  • The style of Typora after the change is shown below:

  • Comparison changes of the two graphs:

If you can see the difference in the two images above, this is the magic change that happens when the CSS style is updated

Finally, everyone to define their own style, if you need the author style can pay attention to the public number [Java master], reply to [subject] get oh ~