This is the 25th day of my participation in the August Genwen Challenge.More challenges in August

Ts’s past life

  • Ts stands for typescript, which is a superset of javascript.
  • Ts complements javascript’s weakness as a weakly typed scripting language by adding static type annotations.
  • Ts brings some of the features and syntax found in ECMAScript proposals.
  • Ts compiles to produce pure JavaScript.

Why use TS?

Many colleagues complained of headache after entering TS.

Var o = {key: ”} ts = {key: ”

When you can use O.key, ts is a red wavy line

In fact, we write our own code, of course, we know all kinds of logic, but the code is actually running environment does not know our logic, and it is our code is to rely on the machine to run

As a result, sometimes we write some bugs that we don’t even know about until we see them when they run

Ts is designed to solve this problem, especially in large projects with many people involved, where a module or requirement requires multiple people to work on it, making it very important that others understand our code.

Understanding code is not about guessing. For example, I have the following function:

function sum(a,b) {return a + b}
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This is a summation utility. However, strings can also be added. For example, the result of ‘1’+1 is 11, not 2 as expected. Unfortunately, this error can only be detected during the testing phase, not when you write the code

Change the code to ts:

function sum(a: number, b: number) :number { return a + b}
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When you call sum(‘1’, 1), ts will immediately tell you that this is an error and that sum takes two numeric arguments.

Ts installation and use

Ts stands for typeScript. You can visit ts’s Chinese website to learn about typeScript.


To use TS, you need to install typeScript, because.ts files don’t run directly in the browser, so when you’re done, you need to use typeScript to compile them into regular.js files.

npm i -g typescript
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After installation, you can view the installed version of typeScript

tsc -v
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Compiling ts files

Write ts file directly run the following command, you can generate the compiled JS file in the same directory

tsc xxx.ts	
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Let’s create a new TS file, write the following code, save it, and run the compile

let name: string = 'Tom Hanse'
let isTrue: boolean = true
let number: number = 5
function(color: string){
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You can see the compiled JS file generated in the same directory. Open it for comparison

var s = 'Tom Hanse';
var isTrue = true;
var number = 5;
function a(color) {
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In fact, there is no obvious difference between the two. The only difference is that ts marks the specific type of each variable. For example, S :string indicates that S is a string value.

The function of this annotation is actually annotation.

Data types in TS

There are also some data types in TS that are consistent with javascript, and of course, ts also extends some data types to complement javascript

Boolean type

let flag: boolean = true
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The numerical

let num: number = 1
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let name: string = 'me, string! '
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Null and undefined

let n: null = null
let u: undefined = undefined
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The null and undefined types are subtypes of all types, so you can assign either null or undefined to any type

let n: number = 4
n = undefined
let u:undefined
let m = u
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A null value

A null value is not the same as null or undefined. A null value is represented by void in ts, which represents a function that does not return any value

function reuturnNothing() :void{
	let str: string = 'this function return nothing'
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Any value

Any is used to represent any type, any properties and methods of any can be accessed without ts reporting an error, and any operation returns a value of any type.

As a result, many people use any casually in their code, turning typescript into Anyscript, which is not desirable or desirable.

let anything: any = 'Tom'
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Note that if a variable is declared without a type and is not assigned a value, it defaults to any type

An array of

There are two ways to define arrays in typescript

let arr: number[] = [1.2.3]
let bookList: Array<string> = ['three body'.Romance of The Three Kingdoms]
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is called a generic variable, the usual default is

The generic

Generics can greatly improve code reuse and versatility. The simplest example to understand generics is to return the parameter itself in function A

function a (b: any): any{return b}
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This is not ideal, because any is arbitrary, and we want to return the argument itself, but two any types are not necessarily the same type, and if we define them as concrete types, the range of choices is too wide, and this is where generics come in

function a<T>(b:any): T{
    return b
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A tuple type represents an array with a known number and type of elements. The elements need not be of the same type

let arr: [string.number.boolean]
arr = ['i love you'.3000.true]
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If the access element is out of bounds, the union type is used instead, following the code above

arr[3] = 'times'
arr[4] = false
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Enumeration types are used for scenarios that are limited to a certain range of values, such as seven days in a week, red, green, and blue colors

enum Days {Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat};
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Enumerators are assigned numbers increasing from 0, and enumerations are also mapped backwards to enumeration names, which can be used for reverse look-ups:

console.log(Days["Sun"= = =0); // true
console.log(Days[0= = ="Sun"); // true
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You can also assign values to enumerations manually

enum Days {Sun = 7, Mon = 1, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat};
console.log(Days["Sun"= = =7); // true
console.log(Days["Mon"= = =1); // true
console.log(Days["Tue"= = =2); // true
console.log(Days["Sat"= = =6); // true
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Represents the types of values that never exist, such as function expressions or return value types of arrow function expressions that always throw an exception or have no return value at all

// A function that returns never must have an unreachable end
function error(message: string) :never {
  throw new Error(message)

// The inferred return value type is never
function fail() {
  return error("Something failed")}// A function that returns never must have an unreachable end
function infiniteLoop() :never {
  while (true) {}}Copy the code


Represents a non-primitive type, that is, a type other than number, string, Boolean, symbol, NULL, or undefined

declare function create(o: object | null) :void
create({ prop: 0 }) / /OK
create(null) / /OK
create(42) / /Error
create('string') / /Error
create(false) / /Error
create(undefined) / /Error
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