Matters needing attention

  • Automatic type judgment

    The TS compiler automatically determines the type of a variable when it is declared and assigned at the same time, so if you are declaring and assigning at the same time, you can omit the type declaration

  • If you do not specify a type for a variable, the TS parser automatically determines that the variable is of type ANY

let a; // The type of a is any

  • D is of type any, and it can be assigned to any variable
let s:string; 
let d; 
d= 10;
s = d; // No error will be reported
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type example describe
number 1, 33, 2.5 Any Numbers
string ‘hi’, “hi”, hi Arbitrary string
boolean True, false, Boolean value true or false
literal In its own right The value of the constraint variable is the value of the literal
any * Any type
unknown * Type safe any
void Null value (undefined) No value (or undefined)
never There is no value It can’t be any value
object {name:’ Sun Wukong ‘} Any JS object
array [1, 2, 3] Arbitrary JS array
tuple (4, 5) Element, TS new type, fixed length array
enum enum{A, B} Enumeration, new type in TS
  • literal

let a:10; That gives a a value of 10; We can assign a=10, but we cannot assign a field that is not 10; let b: ‘mail’| ’email’; And then you can assign mail or email to b. But you can’t assign anything else

  • The joint type

let a: number | string;

  • Unknown type Indicates the value of unknown type

When you do not know what type a value is, you can assign the value unknown. It differs from any in that any can be assigned to any variable. Unknown is not allowed

Unknown The method to assign to another variable

  1. Type judgment
let e: unknown;
e = 10;
let s:string;
if(typeof e === "string"){
    s = e;
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  1. Types of assertions
// Type assertion, which can be used to tell the parser the actual type of a variable
/* * syntax: * variable as type * < type > variable * * */
s = e as string;
s = <string>e;
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  1. Never: The result is never returned
function error(message: string) :never {
  throw new Error(message);
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  1. Object represents a JS object
let a: object;
a = {};// Object can be an object
a = function () {};// object can also be function

// {} is used to specify which attributes can be included in the object
{attribute name: attribute value, attribute name: attribute value}
// Add? To the attribute name. , indicating that the property is optional
let b: {name: string, age? : number}; b = {name: Sun Wukong.age: 18};

// [propName: string]: any indicates any type of attribute
let c: {[propName: string]: any};
c = {name: 'Pig Eight Quit'.age: 18.gender: 'male'};

/* * Sets the type declaration of function structures: * syntax: (parameters: type, parameters: type...) => Return value * */
let d: (a: number ,b: number) = >number;
// d = function (n1: string, n2: string): number{
// return 10;
// }
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  1. Array an Array

Array type declaration:

  • Type []
  • Array < type >
// String [] represents an array of strings
let e: string[];
e = ['a'.'b'.'c'];

// number[] indicates the value
let f: number[];

let g: Array<number>;
g = [1.2.3];
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  1. Tuple a tuple is an array of fixed length

Syntax: [type, type, type]

let h: [string, number];
h = ['hello'.123];
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  1. Enum enumeration
enum Gender{

let i: {name: string, gender: Gender};
i = {
    name: Sun Wukong.gender: Gender.Male // 'male'
console.log(i.gender === Gender.Male);
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  1. Type the alias
type myType = 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5;// myType is the type alias
let k: myType;
let l: myType;
let m: myType;
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