The base types are my own, and the main types introduced in this chapter are common in Javascript. In addition, it is also different from the advanced types in the next chapter (data types that Javascript does not have).

Imagine the basics

There are two types of JavaScript:

  • Primitive Data Types
  • Object Types

The primitive data types include: Boolean, number, string, NULL, undefined, and the new type Symbol in ES6. This chapter covers the first five options and null values.

Boolean value

It is the most basic data type and has a value of true/false. Boolean is defined in both JavaScript and TypeScript (and in other languages as well).

// boolean.ts
let isDone: boolean = false;
Copy the code

After compiling (TSC Boolea.ts)

// boolean.js
var isDone = false;
Copy the code

Q: Can I use constructor Boolean to create? Such as

// boolean2.ts
let isDoneByNewBoolean: boolean = new Boolean(1);
Copy the code

Before compiling (in editor)

The compiled

The problem is that new Boolean(1) returns an object.

How about using Boolean(1) directly?

// boolean3.ts
let isDoneByBoolean: boolean = Boolean(1);
Copy the code

The compiled

// boolean3.js
var isDoneByBoolean = Boolean(1);
Copy the code

Boolean(1) returns a Boolean value.


Like JavaScript, all numbers in TypeScript are floating point numbers of type number.

// number.ts
let decLiteral: number = 6;
let hexLiteral: number = 0xf00d;
let binaryLiteral: number = 0b1010; // Binary representation in ES6
let octalLiteral: number = 0o744;   // Octal notation in ES6
let notANumber: number = NaN;
let infinityNumber: number = Infinity;
Copy the code

The compiled

// number.ts
var decLiteral = 6;
var hexLiteral = 0xf00d;
var binaryLiteral = 10; // Binary representation in ES6
var octalLiteral = 484; // Octal notation in ES6
var notANumber = NaN;
var infinityNumber = Infinity;
Copy the code


Like JavaScript, strings are used to represent text data types, and you can use ** double quotes (“) or single quotes (‘) ** to represent strings.

// string.ts
let str: string = 'Typescript';
let say: string = `Hello, ${str}`;
Copy the code

The compiled

// string.js
var str = 'Typescript';
var say = "Hello, " + str;
Copy the code

Null, and undefined

In the TypeScript world, null and undefined define data types themselves. But it is of little use.

// null-undefined.ts
let u: undefined = undefined;
let n: null = null;
Copy the code

The compiled

// null-undefined.js
var u = undefined;
var n = null;
Copy the code

Q: What about swapping null and undefined?

// null-undefined2.ts
let u: undefined = null;
let n: null = undefined;
Copy the code

The compiled

// null-undefined2.js
var u = null;
var n = undefined;
Copy the code

Q: How about something like this?

// null-undefined3.ts
let nu: number = undefined;
let nn: number = null;

let su: string = undefined;
let sn: string = null;

let bu: boolean = undefined;
let bn: boolean = null;
Copy the code

The compiled

// null-undefined3.js
var nu = undefined;
var nn = null;
var su = undefined;
var sn = null;
var bu = undefined;
var bn = null;
Copy the code

From the above three examples, null and undefined are subtypes of all types.

A null value

In the JavaScript world there is no such thing as a null value, but in TypeScript you can use void to represent functions that do not return any value.

// void.ts
function sayTs() :void {
    console.log('Hello, Typescript');

function sayTs2() :void {
    return 'Hello, Typescript';
Copy the code

Before compiling

The compiled

But it was compiled

// void.js
function sayTs() {
    console.log('Hello, Typescript');
function sayTs2() {
    return 'Hello, Typescript2';
Copy the code

Q: What is the relation between void and null (or undefined)?

// void2.ts
let u: void = undefined;
let n: void = null;
Copy the code

The compiled

// void2.js
var u = undefined;
var n = null;
Copy the code

Q: How does void relate to string(number, Boolean)?

// void3.ts
let n: void = 1;
let b: void = false;
let s: void = '1';
Copy the code

Before compiling

The compiled

But it was compiled

// void3.js
var vn = 1;
var vb = false;
var vs = '1';
Copy the code

To summarize, only undefined, null, and functions with no return value can be assigned to void.

This code Github

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Previous: Typescript’s growth environment

Next: Typescript advanced types

Contents: A primer to Typescript’s short book