Make writing a habit together! This is the second day of my participation in the “Gold Digging Day New Plan · April More text challenge”. Click here for more details.

Dear, hello, everyone. I am “Front-end Xiaoxin”. 😇 has been engaged in front-end development and Android development for a long time

Knowledge application:

  1. What is readOnly and what is the difference between a constant?
  2. Indexed Access Types: Indexed Access Types;
  3. Keyof type operator;
  4. Mapped Types;

Analysis of the topic:

Subject Address:7-easy-readonly As shown in the figure, we need to design a generic type utility, MyReadonly, that takes the incoming Todo interface and iterates through each property to read but not edit, and returns the type structure that functions as Readonly.


Test cases:

  1. The test case is simple, comparing the results of our implemented type tool with those of the built-in Readonly type tool.
  2. We can also declare a variable and constrain it to the type returned by the type tool we implement, reassign it and see if it succeeds.
/* _____________ Test case _____________ */
// Complete test cases can be seen in the Type-challenges project. Click on the title link to go to
import { Equal, Expect } from '@type-challenges/utils'

type cases = [
  Expect<Equal<MyReadonly<Todo1>, Readonly<Todo1>>>,

interface Todo1 {
  title: string
  description: string
  completed: boolean
  meta: {
    author: string}}Copy the code


The goal is to add a ReadOnly attribute to each attribute of the incoming interface

  1. The result returned is always represented by an object
  2. Readonly key: value, key refers to the Todo attribute, value refers to the type of the Todo attribute
  3. How to obtain value: by index type access T[key] form
  4. How to iterate through each attribute of an interface type by mapping the type keyword in, in the form of [key in type string collection]
  5. How to get a set of type strings for each attribute of the interface: using keyof
/* _____________ answer _____________ */

type MyReadonly<T> = {
  readonly [key in keyof T]: T[key]
Copy the code

Test your answers on the drill ground

The next problem is: [type challenge] tuple to object, difficulty ⭐️

Recommended: GFE front end team, welcome everyone XD likes, comments, follow ~

Welcome to follow my public account “Front-end Xiaoxin students”, the first time to push original technical articles.