
The green, white dew for frost. The so-called Iraqi people, in the water side.

Hi, I’m Girl A. I took this name from the Book of Songs, which I believe you are familiar with.

This is my first time to write. Let me introduce myself first. I have many hobbies. I like sports, travel, food and games.

In my spare time, I like playing games like LOL, PUBG, King of Glory and so on. (If you encounter me, please be sure to grant me a generous grant.)

I joined the Nuggets family on the introduction of a friend. I am very happy to meet such a lovely group of people in the Nuggets.

Originally, I was willing to share the beauty of life with everyone, but then I got tired. So it’s not very active, even if you log in just to see

Going to official events and things like that, and when I have a problem, I also turn to the big guys, and I appreciate you helping me when I need help,

It’s been a pleasure getting to know you lovely people in the Nuggets.

I started my front-end career on 2019-09-09. It has been one year and nine months. I changed my job in June this year and got 18K.

Although I usually like playing games, but I also have the pursuit of technology!!

Share my beautiful photos

My twenty-one

January and February

Since January, I have been preparing for my job change in June, and I spend most of my spare time on study.

I don’t know why, the company was very busy at the beginning of the year. My old employer was an Internet company, and I was responsible for the maintenance iteration of several projects.

One project was the Angularjs middle desk management project, and I was really anxious about it. It was so hard.

I can’t sleep every day thinking about how to write this code. Usually, my technology stack is Vue, React,

I’m really tired of this Angularjs document that I can’t find

The group decided to refactor and no one wanted to write Angularjs code, so the three of us started working on Vue

Pure front-end refactoring, which was done in about two weeks. The middle platform project is basically table related, develop a table component

It’s basically done for good. It takes a lot of work to export files, upload files, tree files, but once you’re done

Looking back, it wasn’t that hard.

March and April

My birthday is in April, and I invited a few friends to dinner, and then a friend of a friend called a friend of a friend, and then there were more than 10 people,

At first, I expected only a few friends, which surprised me greatly. After some discussion, I decided to go to a home party for my birthday.

It was supposed to be a happy birthday Party, but my best friends said they were going to surprise me. It was lunchtime, and I had just blown out the candles and was ready to cut the cake

Came a sunglasses man, a suit, holding a bouquet of flowers, TV drama male protagonist??

I directly person silly, take off sunglasses a look is the company after 00 little brother……

Think this should be a surprise, this 00 after the little brother is really by, a typical little milk dog,

Not for me. Stay out of my bowl.

After receiving the bouquet, I looked him in the eye and he was afraid to speak. Smile dead

At the end leave a happy, hee hee hee

May and June

In May, when my work was almost finished, I left my job and began to make plans for myself every day.

It was super discipline, now that I think about it, the whole month of May, nothing

Get up at 6:00 am, wash and make up for breakfast.

At 7:00, start systematic knowledge combing.

Start the day by doing the more complicated things you need to do in the morning to make the rest of the day easier. On the other hand, if you get up and do the simpler things in the morning, you’ll feel like you’re not going to work for the rest of the day, and you’ll feel like you’re exhausted.

At 9 o ‘clock, I pack up, put my helmet on, get on my scooter, and start heading to work.

Get to the company around 9:30 and start preparing for today’s work

At 10 o ‘clock, have a cup of coffee to wake up and start your day.

12:00, go to the canteen to eat, two vegetarian, one meat dish and one soup, delicious and healthy 🍛

At 14:00, I started my afternoon work.

18:00, go home from work to buy some vegetables to do food, chase the drama

19:30, start to read the interview questions, take notes, draw mind maps.

At 22:00, press your shutdown button, into a sweet dream.

This summer, this May, this me.

I started my interview journey in early June, and the self-precipitation in May began to glow.

Accumulated wealth is accompanied by good luck, a total of four interviews.

The first one is a logistics company, with a total of 6 sides, which successfully cleared the customs and got one blood. Offer hand, hee hee hee, happy heart.

Mainly do small programs, technology stack is Vue and React, quite consistent, give 19K + various benefits is 996 me

I didn’t want to go right away.

The second one was pushed by a friend, and the two have been very smooth. The welfare package of 17K+ is very good, but I am not very good

Because when I came in, I just felt like I didn’t fit in. I don’t know if you’ve ever felt this way.

The third interview test algorithm, the last is failed, but the interviewer said I can go if I want to, but lower the salary??

This operation is really bh-bh-h6.

The fourth interviewer met the former boss of the company, a little embarrassed, the boss is still the same boss, and I talked for a long time,

Then he directly asked me if I want to work, one day eldest brother for life. The final 18 k | 13 salary + from nine to five, being + benefits,

Let me take a step directly, good guy carefully checked it turns out to be semi-state-owned.

Summary and reflection

No matter how long you work, never sell yourself short.

There is no provision that fresh graduates or 1, 2 years can not get a high salary, you can get that you have this ability, must not be complacent.

What’s more, after work, you will find that it is not the more skilled you are, but the more people you are dealing with.

People with good personality (good skills) and high eq (good talking skills) tend to be leaders, or people with high salaries.

If you look closely, they all have something in common.

When you go into an interview, you have to be very specific about what the salary range is. Why are you going to the interview?

See overtime 996 explanation, you clearly say don’t want to work overtime why still go?

There are always excuses, but every time you go against your heart, disappointment will slowly build a wall.

You may not get over it until the end of your career.

He who stays close to the dog becomes black

There was a time when I was really irritable and anxious, and I had a few friends who were always creating anxiety,

Because all I see is negative, and that makes me negative,

Every day is sad. When I realized the problem, I decided to move on, teach myself a little Python, and write my own

Rainbow fart. You wake up with a rainbow fart, you go to bed with a rainbow fart. Slowly readjust yourself, start traveling,

Appreciate the beauty of the mountains, will not stay in yesterday’s troubles

Travel is really healing, even if you don’t do anything, just stop and go, the process may be tiring, but it will take away quietly

Every little bit of your unhappiness, heal your heart that is already a thousand holes.

You can’t change the environment, but you can change yourself

Don’t look at what you don’t like. Look at what you’re happy about.

Choose the good ones and follow them, and change the bad ones

About the target

When I was little, teachers often asked, “What do you want to be when you grow up?”

If you don’t know anything, and you hear that inventors and scientists look good, you will say it out loud.

The older I get, the less I know,

Maybe a person is looking for his dream all his life

We all know and think differently at different times in our lives.

As our knowledge expands, so do our desires.

There is no need to make long-term plans until you have found your true purpose

Live in the moment, one day at a time, is the best choice.

Write in the last

I’m Girl A. Nice to meet you.

– If there are any mistakes in this post, feel free to correct them in the comments section. If this post helped you, feel free to like and follow 😊

– This article was originally published in Nuggets and cannot be reproduced without permission at 💌

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