Douyin, a short video App, quickly became popular and became a national App within a few years. Low-cost experience, whether it is old men and old women, or just can play mobile phone children, are addicted to unable to extricate themselves.

Today we recommend two GitHub projects, both of which are mobile developers’ clones of douyin App, one for iOS and one for Android.

IOS Imitation douyin App

The Douyin Demo is available for iPhone and iPad, and is compatible with iOS 8.0 to iOS 12.0. Using object-C language. 1.5K Star, Project Address:…

This project is divided into three parts: the realization of personal home page of Douyin, the realization of network video related functions, and the realization of IM instant chat function with WebSocket.

The Demo preview

In addition, the author also provides a development manual, which records the development process of each module. The author also uses Charles artifact grab bag, old shopping articles published before to come in handy, combined with article grab bag artifact: Charles is better to eat.

Imitation Douyin App development manual

Android Douyin App

The technical points involved in this Demo are as follows:

  • We need to have Recycler + PagerSnapHelper to play in full screen mode.

  • Load Json animations using Lottie libraries

  • BottomSheetDialogFragment realize share comments box function

  • CoordinatorLayout + AppBarLayout implements the collapsed layout.

Project target Star 1K Star, project address:…

The Demo preview

Finally, warm reminder:

Scrolling tiktok can bring you a brief sense of pleasure, but if you become addicted to scrolling tiktok for a long time, you may even stay up all night scrolling tiktok, and go to bed late and get up late, which will make your fragmented time unutilized, irritable mood and reduced concentration. You can network jokes open mouth, star net red attention than anyone, but the level of personal cognition has not improved, I am not talking about you? To sink down to learn professional skills, is what we should do.