In June, I was ready to change jobs. I interviewed various companies and got some offers, such as Ali, Didi, Kuaishou, Dada, Dewu and so on. Most of the interview of the company can pass, so here to share their own experience, also to their own archived, hope to be ready to job-hopping, looking for a job friend a little help, here mainly to share the experience of the interview under Ali!

Ali side

Introduce yourself, talk about the project, it’s kind of normal here, start with the project.

Why does Excel use POI? The problem with POI?

Do you know any other tools for parsing Excel?

You’ve used MQ in your projects. What do you usually do with MQ?

You’ve dealt with the idempotence of MQ, how did you do it?

How can MQ reliability be guaranteed?

What do you use redis for?

Redis persistence mechanism?

How to ensure high availability of Redis?

What’s the difference between HashMap and ConcurrentHashMap?

ConcurrentHashMap Differences between different versions?

Have you ever used multithreading?

Several ways to implement multithreading.

Have you ever done microservice development?

Let’s talk about refactoring

Do you have any questions for me?

It wasn’t long, about 20 minutes. The interviewer was good. One side results through.

One week after the second interview, I went to the conference room of the subsidiary because of ali’s local subsidiary.

The second interview looked like a group leader, not a young man. The same self introduction began, and then talked about shenzhen development will, personal situation, and then asked about the project, began to ask questions. What format data types are processed in the project? What encryption is used during the data transmission? What is the difference between symmetric encryption and asymmetric encryption? What’s the difference between HTTP and HTTPS? Why does HTTPS use mixed encryption? Talk about JVM tuning ideas and how you do it. Common JVM algorithms. What are the differences and application scenarios between abstract classes and interfaces? (Quite fresh, first time encountered) do you usually use any design pattern? Have you seen any source code? What is a SpringAOP? Principle of AOP implementation. SQL optimization ideas. Mr. Bow | implementation principle. Sometimes indexes fail. Why? Asked my expected salary, originally said monthly salary, later he said they are calculated by annual salary. Then he asked me to wait while he went to see the minister for twenty minutes. Second interview result: passed.

Ali introduced himself three times and then started talking about the project. Is the data checked during data collection? Is it encrypted? What is the difference between symmetric encryption and asymmetric encryption? How to ensure that data is not lost? (Account checking) What is redis used for in your project? What data types are commonly used in Redis? Redis persistence mechanism? Distributed lock implementation? Scenario: A SQL TOP N problem JVM parameter tuning and JVM memory structure. Common garbage collection algorithms. Dubbo the entire call process. What are the differences between SpringMVC, Spring, and SpringBoot? Thread pool implementation principle. SQL optimization ideas. Mr. Bow | implementation principle. The difference between clustered index and non-clustered index. Is there anything you want to ask me? Are you a minister? He said no, the secretary authorized the interview.) Ali four sides passed a week, receive telephone interview, everyone think is HR face, wrong, this call business manager face. HR said that this can usually pass.

Describe a project you are most familiar with. What role did you play in the project? What was the biggest problem you encountered in the development process? Talk about SOA and microservices. Did you fail college? Which science is best. We talked for about 15 minutes. Four-sided result: passed.

Another week passed. I just came to THE HR interview. It was a video interview with a local subsidiary.

Self introduction, type of project. Why consider shenzhen development? Why do you choose Ping An Bank? Who are you interviewing with? How to plan your life? Expected salary. How to get a Quick Java interview: Resume preparation Core techniques and interview questions Interview Techniques Resume Preparation The first thing you need to prepare is your resume. Your resume is important. It’s the first place people get to know you, so make it work.

Self introduction: use the simplest words to explain yourself, no more than 200 words. For example: 10 + years of experience in software development (the main task for you), 4 + years of team leader experience (show your leadership), specialize in high available high performance of distributed architecture and specialize in (your major), the Internet and the financial industry for many years background (explain your background), the XX position in XXX company (show) your occupation, Responsible for XXX platform or system (describe your business scenario)…. Personal skills: Let the other person know your skills and areas of familiarity. Experience and soft skills such as JVM, concurrent programming, Redis, Spring source code, distributed system architecture, high performance tuning, etc. : how many people have led the team, how many years of project management experience, how to learn, how to execute, what kind of system design. Work experience: Don’t list a lot of projects, pick the important ones, highlight the project’s difficulty (technical points), scale (users, concurrency, throughput), challenges (high availability, technical bottlenecks and breakthroughs), responsibilities (project experience/core development), etc. Core technology and interview questions core technology

The core knowledge points often tested in interviews include the following points:

Basic classes: concurrent programming, JVM, Network and IO, SQL optimization, Data structures and algorithms

Open source framework: Spring source code, Mybiats source

High-performance architecture technologies: Redis, MQ, Kafka, ZooKeeper, ES, Docker

Distributed and microservices: Dubbo, SpringBoot, SpringCloud, SpringCloud Alibaba

1: Concurrent programming +JVM (1 month), Spring source (1 month), Redis+MQ+SpringBoot and SpringCloud(1 month)

2: Concurrent programming +JVM+IO+Sql (2 months), Spring source (1 month), Redis+MQ+ ZooKeeper +SpringBoot+SpringCloud(2 months)

Brush up on leetcode before the interview

Analysis and arrangement of back-end interview questions

Java Foundation, Exception, collection, concurrent programming, JVM, Spring Family bucket, MyBatis, Redis, database, middleware MQ, Dubbo, Linux, Tomcat, ZooKeeper, Netty and so on. It contains most of the knowledge that a Java engineer needs or is likely to need in an interview! There is a need to add small assistant vX: BJMSB0606006 can get free download!

Java based

Java Collection container

Java exception

What is the difference between Error and Exception?

What is the difference between a runtime exception and a normal exception (checked exception)?

How does the JVM handle exceptions?

What’s the difference between a throw and a throws?

What is the difference between final, finally and Finalize?

NoClassDefFoundError is different from ClassNotFoundException.

What part of try-catch-finally can be omitted?

In a try-catch-finally, if there is a return ina catch, will finally be executed?


Concurrent programming

Concurrent basis

Concurrency theory

Concurrent keyword

Concurrent container

The thread pool

Skills in the interview

What if you can’t answer?

Some interview questions are difficult, but don’t give up and keep trying. A lot of times, the interviewer doesn’t expect you to solve a problem in a short period of time, he just wants to see your attitude and way of thinking when faced with a problem. If you can show the interviewer that you’re going in the right direction, even if you don’t get the answer, it’s still great.

Tough questions

A few common and sharp questions:

1. Why are you leaving your present company?

The employer has reason to believe that you will leave me in the same way that you left your previous employer. If you start complaining about your current company, chances are you’ll end up asking a lot of questions that won’t raise your head. Of course, you can also talk about the problems of your former company, such as: the project you led was abandoned, the company was transformed, the company’s performance declined, there is no room for growth in the current company…… All of this can be said.

2. What are your weaknesses?

This is also a very difficult question to answer.

In fact, any character of the people have problems, for example, for me, I am a more anxious person, impatient, and is a person to do things. So, my biggest problem is that when I push things, I ignore the feelings of others. When the pressure gets high, I even say things that others find hard to accept (the adage of having zero EMOTIONAL intelligence).

But this is not the best method, disadvantages must have a positive effect. For example, I push things too hard and the people I work with are under too much pressure. I’m so introverted that it’s a little hard for people to communicate with me. I care too much about the team, so sometimes I lose sight of cost and schedule… .

Finally, I would like to add that I know my shortcomings and I am working hard to correct them, in what way I am correcting them. This is crucial, because it’s basically one of the interviewers’ favorite answers — that you not only acknowledge your weaknesses, but also work on correcting them.

What are your strengths?

This question is relatively pit, your advantages are the need to use evidence to illustrate.

A common answer from many people is that my advantage is my strong learning ability, because I master a wide range of technologies, and I learn all kinds of technologies, such as the latest Cloud Alibaba technology. When answering this question, be sure to reflect your values. HR is trying to understand your values. For example, I’m more grounded, I want to keep the technology old. For example, I have resilience, I have suffered setbacks, failures, injustice, helplessness, I did not run away…….

Why do you change jobs so often?

HR at many companies will give a negative evaluation to job candidates who change jobs frequently. Changing jobs frequently is a bad idea in your career, because employers will think you’re either too insecure or too incompetent. So don’t change jobs too often. But if it’s too frequent, a tip for you is to include your reasons for leaving your resume.

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