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Recently, the domestic software industry appeared a blockbuster news, financing 250 million, known as the first domestic independent research and development of the browser core Redcore has been repeatedly decompressed after the discovery of Chrome!

The netizen who discovered the shocking secret, @Touko, turned out to be an in-service intern engineer of Jiuzhang Algorithm. Every day sitting around quietly write code programmers, unexpectedly became a net red, xiaobian immediately said to do an interview with him. The interview will be published on the official account of “Nine Chapters Algorithm”, please look forward to it.

01 The cause of things

On August 15, Red Core announced that it had completed a series C financing of 250 million yuan. According to Redcore, “Redcore is committed to developing the core browser technology with China’s own intellectual property rights, launching the world’s only browser kernel that belongs to The Chinese people — Redcore, and breaking the American monopoly.”

On the same day, @Touko discovered that after extracting the red Core browser installation file several times, there was Chrome, as it is known, and it is Chrome 49V.

In addition, net user @Long Ya through the comparison of red core and Chrome published the article “independent innovation? Look at the domestic” red core browser “, said the red core as a whole is a “skin version” of Chrome.

02 Development

Shortly after the story broke, red Core removed the browser download link

On August 16, after being accused of fraud, red core respect stands out to respond.

Gao Jing, co-founder of RedCore, said:

Red Core browser “contains’ Chrome ‘in the inside”, but is not copied, but “standing on the shoulders of giants to do innovation”, such as intelligent perception rendering engine and application security are innovative, these functions need to connect to cloud services, “looking at the installation package is not to see anything”. “Customer satisfaction is high,” she said. “It’s definitely not what those people say about taking domestic concepts to cheat money.”

Meanwhile, according to Caijing:

Chen benfeng stressed, “We are not trying to cheat any state funds, we have not taken money from the state, our customers are all corporate users, and there is no special emphasis on government users.” Another red core product depth informed personage also confirmed Chen Benfeng statement is true. “Red core is the biggest problem is over propaganda and vague propaganda, but the original intention is not to learn Han core to cheat state funds, it is the Google browser kernel on the basis of some features, some modification of the kernel level, that is to say, have their own innovation, its customers are also a little bit of sales knock out. “The person said.

03 Reaction from netizens

The “red core” incident has attracted widespread attention, and many netizens have expressed their views on the matter:

@Sci-tech power: They are all using open source, but you just say “China’s first independently innovative intelligent browser kernel” and “break the US monopoly”, this is not good.

@HR Love joke: Domestic red core browser, teach you to quickly earn 250 million.

@ Fo3xxx: poof… Independent research and development is impossible independent research and development, this life is impossible independent research and development, can only rely on doing a shell to brag

We don’t make browsers, we’re just packers of browsers

Zheng Qijian: our Chinese people are really smart, actually invented the “innovation on the shoulders of giants” this astounding statement, it seems to see, feel that this sentence is the core technology of red core truly original ah.

Liu Ganning: Tell us a new software joke – safe and stable independent controllable domestic browser – Red core browser chromium Chinese cousin

Indeed, this incident is reminiscent of the “Han Xin” incident in 2003. In February 2003, Professor Chen Jin, dean of the School of Microelectronics of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, invented the fake “Hanxin NO. 1” and applied for dozens of scientific research projects with the help of “Hanxin No. 1”, swindling up to 100 million yuan of scientific research funds. After the incident was exposed, it became one of the biggest “scandals” in the history of Chinese research.

But Redcore says it is based on the core of Google’s Chrome browser and has its own innovations in the core to suit the needs of Chinese corporate users. It is unfair to be compared to “Han Core”.

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