Author: Joshua

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Node.js is an open source, cross-platform runtime environment built on the Chrome V8 javascript engine. The event-driven, non-blocking I/O model enables the NodeJS framework to develop extremely lightweight and efficient Web applications.

As a developer, you can easily use the same language in both client-side and server-side scripts, and this unique capability has enabled many developers around the world to quickly build Web applications of any size using the NodeJS framework.

Since its launch in 2009 as a tool for building scalable server-side Web applications, its usage has grown exponentially.

In addition, Node helps to quickly prototype unique projects.

Let’s take a look at the top 10 NodeJS frameworks:


Hapi is a powerful and robust framework for developing apis. A comprehensive plug-in system and various key features (such as input validation, configuration-based functionality, implementation caching, error handling, logging, etc.) make Hapi one of the most popular frameworks. It is used to build useful applications and provides technical solutions to major web sites such as PayPal and Disney.

Hapi builds secure, powerful, and scalable functionality out of the box with minimal overhead

Hapi’s pattern is configuration-driven and built to control Web server operations. It has unique features such as the ability to create a server on a particular IP and features such as “onPreHandler”, where we can perform some interception on the request and then do some pre-processing on the request.


Express.js was built by TJ Holowaychuk, a member of the core Node project team. The large community supports the framework, so it has the advantage of constantly updating and reforming all of its core functions. This is a minimalist framework for building mobile applications and apis.

Powerful apis allow users to send and receive requests between the front end and the database (which acts as an HTTP server framework) by configuring routing.

One advantage of Express is that it supports many other software packages and template engines, such as Pug, Mustache, EJS, etc.

It is used to build real-time Web applications. This is a Javascript library for two-way data communication between Web clients and servers. Asynchronous data I/O, binary streaming, and instant messaging are the most important features of this framework.


Total.js is a modern modular NodeJS that supports the MVC architecture. Angular.js, Polymer, backbone. js, Bootstrap and other client frameworks are fully compatible with this framework. The framework is fully extensible and asynchronous. It does not require any tools such as Grunt for compression and is therefore easy to use. It also has NoSql built in and support for arrays and other Prototypes.

There are some beautiful versions of Total.js, such as the Total.js Eshop, which contains a user interface optimized for mobile devices and is available for download by all premium members. Eshop is one of the best Node.js e-commerce systems. This is because of its unique content management system (CMS***).


This **MVC** framework is very popular among developers to develop chat applications, dashboards, and multiplayer games on NodeJS, and it’s getting a lot of attention. It is known for building data-driven apis. It uses waterlines for object-specific mapping and DB solutions. The framework uses Express.js to handle HTTP requests and is built on Node.js.

It is compatible with Grunt modules including LESS, SASS, Stylus, CoffeeScript, Jade, and Dust, making it ideal for *** -based *** applications.

Sail is highly compatible with multiple front-end platforms. Developers have enough freedom to develop using this framework.


This is an MVC framework for creating real-time mobile and Web applications. Derby’s Racer is a real-time data synchronization engine for Node.js that enables multi-site, real-time concurrency, and data synchronization between client and server. Racer optimizes the solution through ShareJS and allows real-time editing of the application.

Derby is an open source framework based on MVC architecture. It is a full stack NodeJS Web framework. Derby is considered ideal for developing real-time integration applications. With DerbyJS, developers can easily add custom code and build custom websites that work in real time.


Meteor.JS is one of the most commonly used NodeJS frameworks. This list would not be complete without mentioning the MeteorJS framework. It is a full-stack NodeJS framework that allows users to build real-time applications.

It is used to create mobile – and Web-based javascript applications.

Supported by a large community of developers, tutorials, custom packages, and documentation, the framework makes it possible to create great Web and mobile applications using Javascript alone.


Loopback is a highly extensible API framework that allows users to create apis that can be used with any type of Web client and easily bridge to sources on the back end. Because Loopback is an open source framework, users can create dynamic REST apis with minimal or no coding at all.

A highly extensible NodeJS framework for building apis and microservices

In addition, it provides model relationship support, third-party login and storage services, API extensions, and better user management strategies.


Koa was developed by the same team that created Express.js and is often referred to as the next generation NodeJS framework. Koa is unique in that it uses some really cool ECMAScript (ES6) methods that aren’t even in some browsers yet. It allows you to work without callbacks, while greatly expanding error handling.

Next generation NodeJS Web framework

KoaJS supports the SYN /await keyword for efficient code management.

And it doesn’t have any middleware bundled into its core. This makes server development with Koa faster and more fun. KoaJS has more customization options. It allows developers to add only the functionality they need.


NestJs is a framework built with Node.js for building efficient and scalable Node.js server-side applications. Nest uses progressive JavaScript and is written in TypeScript. Building in TypeScript means Nest has powerful typing capabilities and combines elements of OOP (object-oriented programming), FP (functional programming), and FRP (functional response programming).

NestJS Framework – an incremental NodeJS framework for building efficient, reliable, and scalable server-side applications

Advantages of the NodeJS framework

The NodeJS framework is becoming the most popular development framework for building the front and back ends of Web applications. This is the preferred environment for custom Web development. Let’s examine some of the major NodeJS frameworks’ advantages:

  • Real-time working environment
  • Simple coding experience
  • Seamless data flow
  • Use the same code pattern throughout development
  • Easy to use

The final analysis

After reading this article, we can certainly understand that which framework to use depends entirely on the type of Web site and Web application we want to build. The list of frameworks is endless and ubiquitous in the JavaScript community

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