With September just around the corner, MyBridge has narrowed down the top 10 Python open source projects out of more than 250 that were added this month, in terms of their usefulness to developers.

  • These programs averaged 652 stars

  • Topics covered: command line, stream processing, music downloads, machine learning frameworks, virtual machines, word vectors, etc.


Python-nubia: A command line and interactive shell framework from Facebook’s technical team for creating command line applications in Python. [809 stars on GitHub]

Project address: github.com/facebookinc…


Faust: A Python pipelining-processing library for creating high-performance distributed systems and real-time data workflows capable of handling billions of events per day. [GitHub 2170 stars]

Project address: github.com/robinhood/f…


Soundcloud-dl: Download music on Soundcloud at 128kbps, as well as information about the album, genre and label of the music. [GitHub 105 stars]

Project address: github.com/sdushantha/…


PyTheory: An artistic Python library that attempts to make music theory less “fancy” and more accessible to the average person. In addition, PyTheory can generate a staff progression diagram for all known chords on any instrument. [790 stars on GitHub]

Project address: github.com/kennethreit…


LazyData: A minimalist Python library for packaging data dependencies into Python projects. [查 看 全 文]

Project address: github.com/rstojnic/la…


Python-jvm-interpreter: Implements a Java virtual machine in Python that interprets and interprets Java Class files. [on making 121 star]

Project address: github.com/gkbrk/pytho…


Pyodide: Python Science stack, compiled into WebAssembly, provides object conversion between JavaScript and Python. [782 stars on GitHub]

Project address: github.com/iodide-proj…


Botflow: A data-driven Python rapid programming framework for data workflow tasks such as web crawlers, machine learning, quantitative trading, and more. [766 stars on GitHub]

Project address: github.com/kkyon/botfl…


Asciify: Converts images to character drawings using Python. [GitHub 243 stars]

Project address: github.com/RameshAdity…


Lmdb-embeddings: A fast running word vector created in Python that provides pre-trained embeddings, is ready-to-use and consumes little memory. [查 看 全 文]

Project address: github.com/ThoughtRive…

Past: Poke here