First look and then like, give yourself a bit of time to think, wechat search [Silent King 2] pay attention to this has the appearance level but pretend to rely on talent mediocre programmer. This article has been included in GitHub, which also contains the interview questions I carefully prepared for you.

Choosing a programming language can be a pain for many beginners, especially incoming freshmen. Make the right choice, find a job after graduation, perfect to the workplace; I made the wrong choice. I had nowhere to put my talent after graduation. College was a waste of time.

Some time ago, I had a distant relative whose child insisted on my guidance. Then he brought me a book and looked at the cover. I was shocked.

Easy language from beginner to Master. What kind of programming language is this? I’ve never seen it before! Dare not neglect, also worried relatives say I am ill-informed, secretly searched. The founder of Easy Language is Wu Tao, one of the few programmers in China who advocates Chinese programming language.

In all seriousness, I am a man of three views, without any hypocrisy. But I really don’t have the heart to see my cousin go astray, after all, easy language even if it is a beginner, or even master, the future may not be able to find a job ah!

Learning programming as a hobby is great and commendable. Although my cousin does not study well, young, junior high school graduates, but according to relatives feedback, love programming, love computer (also not sure whether love playing games). He bought the book on the Internet himself.

A little worried, I asked him, “Can you understand it?”

Cousin without thinking, swear to answer: “can ah!”

I flipped through the book and found the bookmark on page 202. Oh, my God, I was really reading it, almost halfway through.

You have to be responsible. I say to my relatives and Cousins, “Look, let’s switch to another programming language, like Java!”

Relative a face of consternation, “you say?”

I turned my face toward my cousin and heard him say, “J-A-V-A!”

“Oh, yes, there really is research under the table! I secretly admire my cousin. I can’t tell. You’re a real learner.

“Don’t look at this easy language, as interest to learn programming is no problem, but we learn for what, is for the future can find a job, although I said more tacky. If you’re really interested in programming, buy a Java book and read it.” I suggested earnestly.

My cousin nodded approvingly.

The reason why I said this is to tell the students that hard work is important, but the choice must be right, once the wrong choice, a lot of efforts are in vain.

So, this article is to remind students, what is the coolest programming language in 2020? After reading, you will know how to choose.

First, a quick summary:

  • Java, the best server-side programming language

  • C++, the most common programming language

  • C, by far the most trusted programming language

  • Python, the best programming language for AI and machine learning

  • JavaScript, the most commonly used scripting language for clients

  • C#, Microsoft’s most powerful object-oriented programming language

  • Swift, the most efficient programming language on IOS

  • GO (Golang), an extensible programming language from Google

  • PHP, the best programming language in the world, no, the best Web programming language

  • Ruby, the most reliable programming language for data science

Why did I choose these 10 programming languages? I don’t take money from these programming languages and put them on the list for a number of reasons.

First of all, let’s take a look at the TIOBE list, which is very, very authoritative. The following 14 are the ones that have lived for a long time. It can be seen that, except SQL changed to GO, the other 9 programming languages are all there and dominate the list for a long time.

Longevity means that the programming language is more resilient, the ecosystem is more mature, and they are the Kings of the jungle — natural selection, survival of the fittest. They live long and they live well, which means they’re going to live longer and better, right? The strong are stronger!

You can rest assured that I am responsible — mainly the authors or teams of these programming languages — and that PHP is still going strong, even though the official open Source PHP team was completely disbanded at the end of 2019.

Let me take a look at these 10 programming languages in detail.

01, Java

Java was an alternative to C++, and Sun wanted to develop a simpler object-oriented programming language, originally called Oak. As time went by, Java’s popularity far surpassed C++ because it was easier to learn and cross-platform.

Well, if it’s not very elegant, it’s like the little lady in a drama.

With the help of The Java virtual machine, Java can freely shuttle between Linux, Windows, Mac-OS and other operating systems, which makes it very popular in enterprise development.

Java can be used for web development, Android development, desktop-level application development (Eclipse, NetBeans, etc.), game development (Minecraft).

Hello World in Java:

public class HelloWorld {
 public static void main(String[] args) {
  System.out.println("Hello World"); }}Copy the code

02, c + +

C++, from the name can be seen, it is the son of C language, is an extension of C language, designed to create object-oriented functions for C language.

Over time, C++ evolved further into a general-purpose language with the most direct memory access and complete hardware control. Because C++ offers the widest range of universal features, it can be difficult to master.

C++ runs on all platforms and can effectively leverage any type of hardware, which allows it to perform best on resource-constrained platforms.

C++ can do game development (starcraft, warcraft), Office software (Microsoft Office), operating system (Windows), relational database (MySQL), 3D engine (Microsoft DirectX), embedded development.

Hello World in C++ :

using namespace std;
void main(a) {
    cout<<"Hello World";
Copy the code

03, C

The C language was born in 1960, and the team had only one requirement for it: it had to be universal and use system resources efficiently. Because in those days, every byte of memory was expensive.

Just like C++, C can access memory directly and control hardware. C is so closely tied to the operating system that programmers have to deal with the details of memory allocation themselves, so it can be difficult to master. Despite its early birth, C is still one of the most commonly used programming languages.

The design of C influenced many later programming languages, such as C++, Ruby, PHP, Python, Java, C#, and so on.

C language can be used for embedded development (single chip microcomputer), application software and drivers based on embedded operating system, high-performance Web server (Nginx), common cache database (Redis), operating system in intelligent devices or Internet of Things devices (router, camera) and so on. They say, well, you can do everything you can think of with C, just to see if you can do it.

Here’s Hello World C:

void main(a)
    printf("Hello World");
Copy the code

04, Python

Python was created in 1990 by Guido van Rossum, the father of Python. All programmers like Python because it is cheap to learn and has a high level of application, such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data analysis, which are very deep right now.

Python’s syntax is concise and elegant, and the community is very active. But to be fair, Python positions require a high degree.

Here’s a Python Hello World:

print("Hello World")
Copy the code

05, JavaScript,

JavaScript is the scripting language Brendan Eich developed for Netscape during the first browser wars. While JavaScript wasn’t well designed at first (it was a short time, after all), over time iT evolved into an advanced dynamic programming language.

I don’t so much love Javascript as hate it. It’s a one-night stand between C and Self. Dr. Johnson, the English writer of the 18th century, said it well: ‘Its excellence is not original, its originality is not excellent. ‘

Brendan Eich’s comment on JavaScript above makes you feel angry after reading it — you look down on your own son.

“JavaScript is the duct tape of the Internet,” a bigwig once said. That’s a very high compliment. HTML is responsible for structure, CSS is responsible for presentation, and JavaScript is responsible for logic, web front-end programming of the three musketeers formed.

JavaScript frameworks such as ExtJS, Prototype and JQuery have pushed JavaScript to its peak. With the advent of Node.js, JavaScript, the client-side scripting language, has gained a foothold on the server side.

Now very hot front-end framework, vue.js is written with JavaScript, can say that, want to be engaged in front-end development work, JavaScript is a must learn!

Here’s a JavaScript version of Hello World:

 alert('Hello World');
Copy the code

06, c #

From the name, C# and C/C++ have an intimate relationship. Microsoft designed C# to be an object-oriented, C-like programming language.

At first, C# was seen as a Java clone with striking similarities, such as inheritance, interfaces, and almost identical syntax to Java, which also had to be compiled and run. Over time, and thanks to Microsoft’s efforts, C# has accumulated a wealth of libraries and frameworks on which developers can quickly write applications based on platform.

With the advent of Unity3D, C# has finally become a cross-platform platform with huge advantages in game development, such as fast compilation and abundant class libraries. In addition, know who the mountain behind C# is, Microsoft!

Hello World in C#

namespace HelloWorld
    class Hello
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Hello World"); }}}Copy the code

07, Swift,

For Swift, take a look at apple’s official introduction:

Swift is a powerful and intuitive programming language created by Apple for developing apps for iOS, Mac, Apple TV and Apple Watch. It’s designed to give developers plenty of freedom. Swift is easy to use and open source, and anyone with an idea can create something extraordinary.

Swift is a fast and efficient language that provides real-time feedback and can be seamlessly integrated into existing Objective-C code so developers can write safe and reliable code and create a rich app experience while saving time.

Hello World on Swift:

print("Hello World")
Copy the code

08, Go

Go’s father is Google, an Internet giant, and one can imagine its future potential.

The Go language is very well designed, very simple to use, and very capable of handling development extensions. The key is that it is also very easy to learn, and these advantages have contributed to the rapid growth of Go.

Foreign companies such as Google, AWS, Cloudflare and CoreOS, as well as domestic companies such as Qiniu and Ali, have started to use Golang to develop their cloud computing related products on a large scale. The future is very bright.

Here’s a Go Hello World:

package main
import "fmt"
func main(a) 
     fmt.Println("Hello World")}Copy the code

09, PHP,

PHP has been used to develop Web applications for more than 35 years. Despite a recent decline in popularity, skinny camels are bigger than horses.

PHP is the best programming language. Where does this meme come from? Clearly not a joke conference! It’s an official PHP document!

PHP is the best language for web programming, but what about other languages?

The following is conclusive evidence that PHP is the best programming language.

Around 2010, PHP has been the king of Web development, especially with the popularity of content management platforms like WordPress and the popularity of Facebook, which is developed for PHP, solidifying PHP’s position in the industry.

When I was preparing to return to Luoyang at the end of 2013, I also studied PHP for three months. Years later, the book below still sits gathering dust on my bookshelf.

Here’s a PHP Hello World:

<? php echo"Hello World"; ? >Copy the code

10, Ruby

Ruby began as an object-oriented scripting language, but over time it has evolved into an interpreted high-level general-purpose programming language. It has a fairly flat learning curve and is very helpful for developer productivity.

There’s a classic quote from Ruby author Yuhiro Matsumoto:

“People, especially computer engineers, often think of machines. They thought, ‘If you do this, the machine will run faster; In this way, the machine runs more efficiently; Do that, and the machine will do that. ‘Actually, we need to think in terms of people, how people write programs or use applications on machines. We are the masters and they are the servants.”

Ruby is based on this idea. There is a saying on the Web that learning Ruby on Rails allows you to see the top of the Web framework. GitHub’s official website is developed by Ruby on Rails.

JavaEye founder Daniel Van Kay once said:

In Our country, Ruby is a niche programming language, but in Silicon Valley, Ruby is hot and is hailed as the Web programming language of the cloud computing era.

Of course, the reason why I put Ruby in the last place, students must know what I mean.

Finally, I hope students can choose one of the 10 programming languages they like and study it deeply. No matter which language you are proficient in, I believe that as long as you are proficient in it, you will be able to find your favorite job. If you just dabble in it, it will be a shame.

I am the Silent King 2, a programmer with good looks who pretends to be inferior to his talent. Attention can improve learning efficiency, don’t forget three even ah, like, collect, message, I don’t pick, Ollie to 🌹.

Note: If there are any problems with the article, please kindly correct them.

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