As a reusable design artifact, frameworks are important to programmers because they allow you to quickly develop prototypes and actual projects, and they help you do better work once you learn them well and understand them well. This article has shared 10 useful frameworks related to Java development, mobile app development, Web development, and big data as we reach the halfway point of 2018.

1, Node. Js

There is no doubt that Node.js is responsible for JavaScript becoming the number one programming language. JavaScript has traditionally been used as a client-side scripting language, along with HTML, to provide dynamic behavior on the client side. It runs in a Web browser, but Node.js allows you to run JavaScript on the server side.

Tye Node.js is an open source and cross-platform JavaScript runtime environment for executing server-side JavaScript code. You can use Node.js to create dynamic web pages on the server and send them to the client. This means that you can develop a client-server application from the front end to the back end in JavaScript.

2, Spring the Boot

The framework uses a specific way to configure so that developers no longer need to define boilerplate configurations. At its most basic, Spring Boot is a collection of libraries that can be used by any project’s build system. For simplicity, the framework also provides a command-line interface that can be used to run and test Boot applications. The release version of the framework, including the integrated CLI (command line interface), can be manually downloaded and installed in the Spring repository.

3, presents

Angular provides a complete client-side solution for creating dynamic web pages on the client using AngularJS. It provides declarative templates, dependency injection, end-to-end tools, and integration best practices to address common client-side development challenges. Since it is a JavaScript library, you can include it in your HTML page using the Script tag. It uses Directives to extend HTML properties and uses expressions to bind data to HTML.
Google’s support for Angular is well worth your time and effort.

4, the React
React is another JavaScript library or framework for building user interfaces. It’s like AngularJS, but maintained by Facebook, Instagram, and a community of individual developers and businesses. It allows Web developers to create large Web applications that can be changed at any time without reloading the page.
The web development world is divided into Angular and React camps, depending on which side you choose. Most of the time, it depends on the situation. For example, if you’re working on a React based project, you’ll obviously need to learn React.

5, the Bootstrap
This is another popular open source front-end Web framework for designing Web sites and Web applications. Bootstrap, originally brought to us by Twitter, provides HTML – and CSS-BASED design templates for typography, forms, buttons, navigation, and other interface components as well as optional JavaScript extensions.
Bootstrap supports responsive Web design, which means that the Web page layout can be dynamically adjusted based on the screen size of the browser. In the mobile space, BootStrap leads the way with its mobile-first design philosophy, which focuses on responsive design by default. If you’re a Web developer who hasn’t dabped in Bootstrap yet, it’s time to learn in 2018.

6, jQuery
As another JavaScript framework that rules the world. JQuery is so popular that it is recommended that every developer learn jQuery. It exists to make client-side scripting easy. You can animate, send HTTP requests, reload pages, and perform client-side validation by writing a few lines of code.

7. Spring Security
Since Spring Security has become synonymous with Web Security in the Java world, it makes sense to update to the latest version of Spring Security in 2018.
The new version 5.0 of Spring Security includes many bug fixes and a new OAuth 2.0 module. Even if you don’t know Spring Security, you should consider learning it in 2018.

8, Apache Hadoop

Big data and automation are a key focus for many companies in 2018, which is why learning big data technologies like Hadoop and Spark is crucial. Apache Hadoop is a framework that allows distributed processing of large data sets in a cluster of computers using a simple programming model.
It aims to scale from a single server to thousands of machines, each providing local computing and storage. It is based on the popular Map Reduce pattern and is key to developing reliable, scalable, and distributed software computing applications.

9, Apache Spark

This is another big data framework that is gaining popularity. Apache Spark is a fast in-memory data processing engine with elegant and expressive development apis that enable data workers to efficiently perform streaming, machine learning, or SQL workloads that require rapid iterative access to data sets.
You can use Spark for ETL, machine learning, and data science workloads into Hadoop for in-memory calculations.

10, Cordova
Apache Cordova is another mobile application development framework originally created by Nitobi. Adobe Systems acquired Nitobi in 2011, renamed it PhoneGap, and later released an open source software called Apache Cordova.
It allows you to use standard Web technologies — HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript — for cross-platform development.

These frameworks are in high demand, especially Spring, Node.js, and AngularJS.