Behind the top-up promotion

1. The background

In most game products, we will see a variety of recharge free similar activities, such as King of Glory. It also exists in other product classes.

The main purpose of demand is to ensure product flow, bring product revenue, and at the same time give users other satisfaction.

Get other rewards through recharge, for example, after recharge, there will be bonus points. Then these points can be exchanged for some other goods.

2. Business analysis of recharge promotion

Here is a simple analysis of the business:

  1. On the recharge interface, highlight the recharge gift logic;
  2. After users recharge, there will be corresponding recharge rewards to the account;
  3. Recharge strategy includes recharge every time, the first time every day, accumulative recharge, etc.
  4. Recharge free is not limited to points, happy coins, happy coins, etc.
  5. Ensure the scalability of recharge policies and giveaways

Figure 1 (Recharge interface: I can’t use Pinta, so I can only do this)

3. Program planning

1) Main directions

1. The promotion business depends on the recharge and payment business, so it is better not to affect the performance of the original recharge business

2. The background can manage the recharge strategy to facilitate the operation of the strategy

3. After the recharge to ensure that not more send and so on

2) Project architecture:

This business mainly involves two services: 1, payment system and 2, main business systems.

Figure 2(The entire Payment structure and main business processes)

Here is 3

  1. The solution,

Use the responsibility chain mode to connect the ordinary recharge and recharge gifting strategy business, use the strategy mode to determine the gifting, and asynchronously judge whether the promotion conditions are met after the user finishes the recharge. Mq can be used to uncouple related asynchronous operations, insert the recharge promotion to obtain records, and insert the corresponding complimentary flow table (such as the happy coin).

After the success of the business system receives the payment system, through the chain of responsibility to join common top-up and prepaid phone promotions, when implement the promotion business logic, by getting between the operation of prepaid phone sales promotion activity to determine what are the logical top-up, there will be other logic, in the execution logic is still use the strategy pattern to judgment call

Figure 3(Partition logic), drawing tools)

4. Logical design of database tables

Configuration table of recharge promotion activities:

field The data type instructions
id bigint(20) A primary key
title varchar(32) Activity title
icon varchar(511) Activity icon
desc varchar(255) describe
reward_type int(11) Given type
reward_value bigint(20) Present numerical
condition_value bigInt(20) Achieve the required value
start_time datatime The start time
end_time datatime The end of time
create_time datatime Creation time
create_admin_id bigint(20) Creating an Administrator ID
is_delete tinyint(1) Whether or not to delete


field The data type instructions
id bigint(20) A primary key
user_id bigint(20) The user id
type int(11) Reward type
value bigint(20) Reward numerical
create_time datatime Creation time
is_delete tinyint(1) Whether or not to delete

5. The relevant code

Ps: Make a note of it (fear of forgetting)

/ * * *@authorYi xian *@Description**/ in the chain of responsibility mode
public abstract class PayCoin {

    /** * Record a chain */
    private PayCoin next;

    /** * Adaptation service currency *@param payNoticeDto
     * @return* /
    private final void handlerCoin(PayNoticeDto payNoticeDto) {
       	// Todo implementation
        // Continue processing if there is a next chain
        if(Objects.nonNull(next)) { coinCount += next.handlerCoin(payNoticeDto); }}/** * Set the next chain */
    protected void setNext(PayCoin payHandler) { = payHandler; }}Copy the code
/ * * *@authorYi xian *@DescriptionTODO context policy **/
public class RewardPayContext {

    private final Map<String, RewardPayStrategy> strategyMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();

    / * * * *@param map
    public RewardPayContext(Map<String, RewardPayStrategy> map){

    /** * Obtain policy *@paramStrategyId Indicates the ID * of the policy@returnThe corresponding policy */
    public RewardPayStrategy getStrategy(String strategyId){
        returnstrategyMap.get(strategyId); }}Copy the code
/ * * *@authorYi xian *@DescriptionTODO policy pattern implementation **/
public interface RewardPayStrategy {
    /** * A series of operations */
   void todoString(CommonUserInfoDo commonUserInfoDo, PayNoticeDto payNoticeDto);
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