“To Live” reading notes


Many people may read the book, also may have many didn’t watch, “alive” is indeed a classic blue, personal intensive reading again, always thinking about your life, your suffering but extremely rich life, gave a lot of people think, here’s to analyze this book and this article content includes drama, please watch carefully. The movie “To Live” has not been seen, I can go to see it when I have time, but it may not be easy to find now.

Article purpose:

  1. Review your reading experience
  2. Why read this book? Reading the harvest
  3. Make a summary of the book.

Recommendation level:

A must read good book, for the values of the touch is relatively large, but also a work worth thinking about

The book gives an overview of

I will be the content of the book, according to personal understanding of the general comb

  1. Young frivolous: drinking piao gambling everything, not afraid of heaven and earth is not afraid of, living landowners.
  2. Fate twist: gambling lost money, suffering the beginning of a lifetime
  3. Life changes: hard work, family support
  4. Brief happiness: wife returns, son is born.
  5. The fate turns again: seek a doctor for the wife, result be caught to be “cannon fodder”. But fate was fortunate enough to survive
  6. Mother died, son Youqing was born, daughter became dumb
  7. Two dragons because the landlord was shot, riches and honour survived
  8. The son died in hospital from a blood transfusion.
  9. Daughter married, Wang Erxi married, short happiness
  10. Daughter dies in childbirth, wife dies. That leaves second happiness and wealth and grandchildren
  11. Two happy accident died, left rich and grandchild
  12. My grandson was sick and choked to death on his beans
  13. Finally bought an old cow, suffering life came to an end


  1. Ups and downs are not the whole life
  2. All roads lead to Rome, but some are born in Rome
  3. Life is just living quietly, just for living
  4. Survival is always the first necessity

Personal Insights:

Many people criticize history on douban, but history is dead after all. I do not wish to comment on the historical background of this book.

Each people all have their own ideas, everyone according to their idea to survive in this world, a person want to glory, also some people are willing to do an ordinary person, the author from no right and wrong to think of a person, but to a person’s life used to explain what is alive, why on earth to live, This book the biggest characteristic is hardly the author personal emotional color, book reality a few pen “I” and all the blessing you, most of the space in your blessing, riches and honour not just live for themselves, let his memories of his shoulder and happiness had a long time, may and puts it in the book, a lot of people don’t remember old memories, when their young But wealth can tell a story as well as a story. Riches and honour live for the family, in order to be able to recall the happiness of the past, suffering purified his life.

From another point of view, Fugui lost his family property and his father died, but later he survived because of this, and Chunsheng used The life of Fugui’s son Youqing to change his own life, and finally ended his life by hanging himself. We can also see the interpretation of the view that good and evil will be rewarded.

Riches and honour book suffering has the following kinds:

  1. poor
  2. One after the other
  3. lonely
  4. tired
  5. The war
  6. Death of a spouse
  7. Children’s early death


Every suffering seems almost unbearable to most people nowadays, but Fugui accepted it all his life without a word of complaint. Times are changing, and we will certainly not experience an era of displacement like That of Fu GUI. However, modern people are less and less able to bear suffering. This is worth reflecting on for everyone. In the face of fate and injustice, we all have a choice whether to succumb to humiliation or to rise to the challenge, whether to live a safe life or to be unsteady.


  1. Never forget the four rules: never say the wrong words, never sleep on the wrong bed, never step on the wrong threshold, never touch the wrong pocket
  2. Man is alive for life itself, and not for anything else
  3. Young to wander, middle-aged want to dig, old monk
  4. When the chicken grows up, it becomes a goose. When the goose grows up, it becomes a sheep. When the sheep grows up, it becomes a cow
  5. No one has the right to call a man happy before he dies or before his funeral


The book I was afraid to look at the second time, the length of the prosperous life and thickness are touching, everyone has his own ideas, but for every one of us, the length of your life and the thickness is different, for every one of us, the length and thickness of life is equally important, whether rich or poor, to live is to thank, extremely serious live each day, That’s enough.