In the wave of artificial intelligence promotion, the cultivation and incubation of relevant innovative talents play a crucial role in the overall progress and innovation of technology, industry and ecology, and is also an important issue that the industry and academia have been concerned about. On June 1, 2021, the 2021 Beijing Zhiyuan Conference AI Talent Training Forum, sponsored by Beijing Zhiyuan Artificial Intelligence Research Institute and organized by Baidu, was held in Beijing. Experts from domestic universities and enterprise representatives jointly discussed new ideas of AI talent training in China.

Artificial intelligence is a powerful engine to promote the high-quality development of the country and society. It is an important issue at present to create “ARTIFICIAL intelligence +X” compound innovative talents with diverse levels, strong professionalism and high applicability. Among them, it is becoming an important trend of talent training in the ERA of AI to build a new pattern of multi-party cooperation between industry, university, research and application to accelerate the integration of industry and education.

BBS, tianjin university intelligence and computing, artificial intelligence, deputy director of the department dean qing-hua hu, dalian university of technology Wang Yuxin, vice President of the college of computer science and technology, college of computer science and technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, professor, PhD supervisor Xu Jungang, associate professor, school of Beijing university of Chinese medicine management Han Aiqing four experts, Under the auspices of Dr. Ma Yanjun, chairman of AI Talent Training Forum and senior Director of Baidu Deep Learning Technology Platform, a roundtable dialogue with the theme of “Opportunities and Challenges of AI Talent Training” was held.

The participants of the roundtable forum agreed that artificial intelligence, as an emerging technical discipline, has the characteristics of interdisciplinary integration, penetration and strong support. The construction of artificial intelligence discipline and talent training in colleges and universities are inseparable from the cooperation of industry, university and research circles. The integration of industry and education will improve and deepen the AI talent training mechanism, helping students not only master the theoretical basis, but also make achievements in practice and competition.

How to make a reasonable AI talent training program? Hu Qinghua said, “It takes ten years to grow a tree, but a hundred years to cultivate talents. High-level talent cultivation needs a long-term process and cannot be achieved overnight.” Universities should focus on cultivating students’ basic scientific literacy, intelligent thinking mode and lifelong learning concept. Schools of different levels and different types should integrate their own characteristics into the development of training programs, so as to present a hundred flowers of talent and technology. Wang yuxin said that while making full use of existing faculty resources, universities should seek strength from society and industry, and enhance students’ interest in learning through curriculum. The traditional concept and mode of talent training must be fundamentally changed and innovated, and a lifelong education system should be established to cultivate high-end artificial intelligence talents. Colleges and universities should set up corresponding disciplines, strengthen interdisciplinary disciplines, change the education mode, and create a compound talent training mode.

Under the background of the new era, how to better realize the integration of industry and education? Xu jungang believes that, first, the industry needs to take action, have the responsibility and awareness to cultivate talent; Second, college teachers should “go out” and better combine with the industry; Third, third-party institutions should play their role as the “glue” of industry and education to promote better integration of industry, education and research institutes. He also said that ai education should start from children and focus on stimulating interest in learning, combining teaching with fun, continuous learning and willingness to practice.

For medicine, management, literature and other non-AI majors, how to better integrate AI and majors? According to the successful practical experience of Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, it is necessary and feasible to establish and promote artificial intelligence courses in medical liberal arts colleges. Han Aiqing concluded that by participating in the deep learning teacher training held by Baidu and making full use of the AI Studio learning and training platform, the AI knowledge reserve was rapidly improved, and the tutorials, teaching cases and computing power resources were obtained. The free computing power alone was equivalent to saving the school 2 million laboratory costs. Specific to experience and in the process of teaching, pay attention to course design and case design, stimulate students’ interest in learning, introducing competition mechanism for improving student learning speed, long teaching research phase at the same time, through the scientific research activities direct teaching content, teachers’ knowledge reserves in the process of teaching and guiding students to further consolidate and upgrade.

Baidu AI Technology ecology Department general manager Liu Qian also said in the keynote speech, AI in all walks of life rapid application penetration, facing a huge talent gap. The industry is in urgent need of compound AI talents who understand both AI technology and application scenarios. Colleges and universities are the closest platform for talent cultivation in the industry. Combined with the characteristics of artificial intelligence industry application, it is particularly necessary to integrate multiple disciplines and pay attention to application practice in talent cultivation. Whether it is “AI+X” or “X+AI”, artificial intelligence, as a technology and tool that can be applied in all industries, can be added to the courses and contents related to ARTIFICIAL intelligence in all majors in universities and colleges, and actively promote the integration of industry and education to cultivate more AI talents for the society.

Therefore, Baidu launched the AI Talent Production and Education Talent Training Program at this year’s Wave Summit, which will provide rich and diversified resource support for colleges and universities from the three aspects of content, special cooperation and service, and promote the in-depth development of AI industry-university-research practice. At the content level, Baidu will cooperate with universities to publish a series of textbooks and courses, and open industry-level cases and data sets exported by Baidu Flying Oar and ecological partners to consolidate the content foundation. At the service level, Baidu will provide a number of services, including deep learning teacher training, AI Studio teaching platform, computing power support and other six systematic support; In addition, Baidu has also reached a number of special cooperation with universities to meet the diverse needs of AI teaching and practice in universities.

In the “Great Voyage” plan launched by Flying Oar, the launch plan for colleges and universities is to invest 500 million yuan in capital and resources in the next three years, deeply cooperate with 500 colleges and universities across the country, jointly train 5000 AI teachers and help cultivate 500,000 AI students. Baidu expects to make contributions to university cooperation, teacher training, student joint training and other aspects in the future, and contribute to China’s scientific and technological independent innovation through AI talent training.

Artificial intelligence as a new infrastructure for future social and economic development, the construction of artificial intelligence education system cannot be separated from the cooperation of all parties. On the way of innovation and exploration of AI talent training, the industrial, academic and research communities need to work together to forge ahead, innovate new modes and formats of AI talent training in the industry, and jointly build a prosperous AI ecosystem. In the future, Baidu will continue to strengthen the integration of industry and education with universities, improve and deepen the AI talent training mechanism, and promote technological innovation and industrial intelligence.

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