
There are five ICONS, only one of which can be “on” at the beginning. The control mouse can be “on”, but only one icon can be “on” at a time.

  • Achieve goals:


Here is just another vUE based demo, mainly to express the implementation ideas, the rest of the code needs to be supplemented according to their own needs

1. Draw an icon

<img v-for="item in list" class="icon" :src="..." />
Copy the code
    color: gray;
Copy the code
charts: ['chartA'.'chartB'.'chartC'.'chartD'.'chartE']
Copy the code


2. Draw the effect after lighting

    color: #3c4fe0;
Copy the code


3. Bind click events

<img v-for="item in list" class="icon" @click="chartTypeChange(item)" :src="..." />
Copy the code
chartChoosed: 'chartA'.// Currently selected
charts: ['chartA'.'chartB'.'chartC'.'chartD'.'chartE']
chartTypeChange(choose){ // Click the event
Copy the code


  1. Bind the current active item and render its style
    v-for="item in list"
    :class="chartChoosed === item ? 'icon-active' : 'icon'"
Copy the code

Note here:

  • Attribute name = “constant attribute value”
  • :+ attribute name = “variable attribute value” (yesV-bind: attribute nameThe abbreviation of)
chartChoosed: 'chartA'.// Currently selected
charts: ['chartA'.'chartB'.'chartC'.'chartD'.'chartE']
chartTypeChange(choose){ // Click the event
    this.chartChoosed = choose
Copy the code


This is done