• A Little Reminder That Pseudo Elements are Children Kinda.
  • Originally by Chris Coyier
  • The Nuggets translation Project
  • Permanent link to this article: github.com/xitu/gold-m…
  • Translator: Badd
  • Proofreader: LGH757079506, Moonliujk

Tip: Pseudo-elements are child elements.

Consider the following code, a container with several child elements:

<div class="container">
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If I write it like this:

.container::before {
  content: "x"
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Essentially equivalent to:

<div class="container">[[[insert ::before pseudo-element]]]<div>item</div>
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The pseudo-element is roughly like a child element. The tricky part is that no selector can select it except ::before, the selector that created the pseudo-element (or a similar selector that ends with a ::before or ::after in the same place).

For example, suppose I set up the container as a 2×3 grid and set each child element to a tablet grid style:

.container {
  display: grid;
  grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr;
  grid-gap: 0.5 rem;

.container > * {
  background: darkgray;
  border-radius: 4px;
  padding: 0.5 rem;
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When no pseudo-elements are used, it looks like this:

If I add the pseudo-element selector above, I get something like this:

That makes sense, but it can also be a pit. Pseudo-elements are often used as decorative elements (they should be used almost exclusively as decorative elements), so planning them into a grid layout would be weird.

Note that the selector. Container > * does not select the fake element and fails to make its background color darkgray because it will not hit the fake element with this gun. This is another trick of the pseudo-element.

In daily development, I find that the use of pseudo-elements is often to achieve some decorative effect through absolute positioning — so if you’ve ever written code like:

.container::before {
  content: "";
  position: absolute;
  /* Some decorative effects */
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You might not even notice that you added an element. Technically, a pseudo-element is a child, so it does what a child does, but participating in a grid layout is not one of its obligations. CSS grid layouts are not alone. For example, you’ll find that when you apply a Flex layout, the pseudo-elements become children of the Flex layout. You can also float pseudo-elements as you like, or use other layouts.

It is clear from the debugger that the pseudo-element behaves as a child element in the DOM:

There are more secret ways!

One of them is :nth-child(). You would think that since the pseudo-elements are real children, they would be evaluated by :nth-child(), but they are not. That is, operations like this:

.container > :nth-child(2) {
  background: red;
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The same element will be selected, regardless of whether there is a pseudo-element ::before. The same is true for ::after and :nth-last-child. That’s why I added “ba” to the title. If the pseudo-elements are real children, they should be able to interfere with the selector’s hit.

As a bonus, in JavaScript you can’t select a pseudo-element the way you can select a regular child element. document.querySelector(“.container::before”); Will return NULL. If you want to get pseudo-elements in JavaScript because you want to get their style, you can do this with a little CSSOM magic:

const styles = window.getComputedStyle(
console.log(styles.content); // "x"
console.log(styles.color); // rgb(255, 0, 0)
console.log(styles.getPropertyValue('color'); // rgb(255, 0, 0)
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Have you fallen for those little tricks of the false element?

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