Writing in the front

Author Jane book address in our front-end development sometimes need to edit articles or commodity details, need graphic, text typesetting……. Regular forms can no longer do this. In this article? How to encapsulate the rich text editor Tinymce into a component in the VUE project how to upload picture files the company uses Ali cloud OSS upload so take this as an example


The third step is to post the entire tinymce wrapped code. The fourth step is to parse the code and describe why it is done. The fifth step is to post the precautions and use methods of calling Tinymce from other components

Specific steps

1. Download the original tinymce package and copy it to the static folder

npm i tinymce -S
Copy the code

2. Copy tinymce data to static folder


2. Create a Tinymce component in the Componts folder


    <input type="file" id="photoFileUpload" style="display: none" />
    <textarea :id="Id"></textarea>
import { ossUpload, uploadImg } from '@/api/public'
import '../../../static/tinymce/tinymce'
export default {
  name: 'mceeditor',
  props: {
    value: {
      default: '',
      type: String
    config: {
      type: Object,
      default: () => {
        return {
          theme: 'modern',
          height: 600
    url: {
      default: '',
      type: String
    accept: {
      default: 'image/jpeg, image/png',
      type: String
    maxSize: {
      default: 2097152,
      type: Number
  data() {
    const Id = Date.now()
    return {
      Id: Id,
      myEditor: null,
      DefaultConfig: {
        // GLOBAL
        language: 'zh_CN', //汉化
        height: 500, //默认高度
        theme: 'modern', //默认主题
        menubar: true,
        toolbar: `styleselect | fontselect | formatselect | fontsizeselect | forecolor backcolor | bold italic underline strikethrough | insertfile link image | table | alignleft aligncenter alignright alignjustify | outdent indent | numlist bullist | preview removeformat  hr | paste code | undo redo | fullscreen `,//需要的工具栏
        plugins: `
        // CONFIG
        forced_root_block: 'p',
        force_p_newlines: true,
        importcss_append: true,
        // CONFIG: ContentStyle 这块很重要, 在最后呈现的页面也要写入这个基本样式保证前后一致, `table`和`img`的问题基本就靠这个来填坑了
        content_style: `
            *                         { padding:0; margin:0; }
            html, body                { height:100%; }
            img                       { max-width:100%; display:block;height:auto; }
            a                         { text-decoration: none; }
            iframe                    { width: 100%; }
            p                         { line-height:1.6; margin: 0px; }
            table                     { word-wrap:break-word; word-break:break-all; max-width:100%; border:none; border-color:#999; }
            .mce-object-iframe        { width:100%; box-sizing:border-box; margin:0; padding:0; }
            ul,ol                     { list-style-position:inside; }
        insert_button_items: 'image link | inserttable',
        // CONFIG: Paste
        paste_retain_style_properties: 'all',
        paste_word_valid_elements: '*[*]',        // word需要它
        paste_data_images: true,                  // 粘贴的同时能把内容里的图片自动上传,非常强力的功能
        paste_convert_word_fake_lists: false,     // 插入word文档需要该属性
        paste_webkit_styles: 'all',
        paste_merge_formats: true,
        nonbreaking_force_tab: false,
        paste_auto_cleanup_on_paste: false,
        // CONFIG: Font
        fontsize_formats: '10px 11px 12px 14px 16px 18px 20px 24px',
        // CONFIG: StyleSelect
        style_formats: [
            title: '首行缩进',
            block: 'p',
            styles: { 'text-indent': '2em' }
            title: '行高',
            items: [
              { title: '1', styles: { 'line-height': '1' }, inline: 'span' },
              { title: '1.5', styles: { 'line-height': '1.5' }, inline: 'span' },
              { title: '2', styles: { 'line-height': '2' }, inline: 'span' },
              { title: '2.5', styles: { 'line-height': '2.5' }, inline: 'span' },
              { title: '3', styles: { 'line-height': '3' }, inline: 'span' }
        // FontSelect
        font_formats: `
            Andale Mono=andale mono,times;
            Arial=arial, helvetica,
            Arial Black=arial black, avant garde;
            Book Antiqua=book antiqua,palatino;
            Comic Sans MS=comic sans ms,sans-serif;
            Courier New=courier new,courier;
            Times New Roman=times new roman,times;
            Trebuchet MS=trebuchet ms,geneva;
            Wingdings=wingdings,zapf dingbats`,
        // Tab
        tabfocus_elements: ':prev,:next',
        object_resizing: true,
        // Image
        imagetools_toolbar: 'rotateleft rotateright | flipv fliph | editimage imageoptions'
  methods: {
    setContent(content) {
    getContent() {
      return this.myEditor.getContent()
    init() {
      const self = this
        // 默认配置
        // 挂载的DOM对象
        selector: `#${this.Id}`,
        file_picker_types: 'file',
        file_picker_callback: function (callback, value, meta) {
          let fileUploadControl = document.getElementById("photoFileUpload")
          fileUploadControl.onchange = function () {
            if (fileUploadControl.files.length > 0) {
              let localFile = fileUploadControl.files[0]
              ossUpload({ type: localFile.type }).then(res => {
                uploadImg(res.data, localFile).then(res => {
                  if (res.code == 0) {
                    callback(res.data.name, { text: localFile.name, })
                    self.$emit('on-upload-complete', res)  // 抛出 'on-upload-complete' 钩子
                  } else {
                    self.$emit('on-upload-complete', res)  // 抛出 'on-upload-complete' 钩子
            } else {
        // 图片上传
        images_upload_handler: function (blobInfo, success, failure) {
          if (blobInfo.blob().size > self.maxSize) {
          if (self.accept.indexOf(blobInfo.blob().type) >= 0) {
          } else {

          function uploadPic() {
            ossUpload({ type: "image/png" }).then(res => {
              uploadImg(res.data, blobInfo.blob()).then(res => {
                if (res.code == 0) {
                  self.$emit('on-upload-complete', res)  // 抛出 'on-upload-complete' 钩子
                } else {
                  failure('上传失败: ')
                  self.$emit('on-upload-complete', res)  // 抛出 'on-upload-complete' 钩子
        // prop内传入的的config
        setup: (editor) => {
          self.myEditor = editor
            'init', () => {
              self.loading = true
              self.$emit('on-ready')   // 抛出 'on-ready' 事件钩子
              self.loading = false
          // 抛出 'input' 事件钩子,同步value数据
            'input change undo redo', () => {
              self.$emit('input', editor.getContent())
  mounted() {
  beforeDestroy() {
    // 销毁tinymce

Copy the code

1. The DOM structure mainly has two tags, input textrea input: used to simulate the file upload, the address of the file after the upload exists as a tag. The files (attachments) uploaded in the demo on the official website need to be supported by PHP and.NET environment, and the effect will be better. It seems that there is also a charge. You can move the back-end friend study attachment tinymce website address: www.moxiemanager.com/demos/tinym… The method of using the input tag is the only alternative that I have struggled to come up with, and is the one that I have encapsulated differently from the others. The required parameters and configuration are in the following two parameters: file_picker_types: ‘file’, file_picker_callback, hook function to upload file textarea: container used to initialize Tinymce

2. Import import tinymce.js from the static file

3.prop: Configuration parameters that can be passed in when a component is called.

  • Url: is the path set aside for the upload function to encapsulate normal Ajax, because I am oss upload directly modified the images_upload_handler hook
  • Accept: Yes Click upload image to select the image type

4. The data section

* myEditor is used to get tinymce's setContent and getContent utility apis, watch the code it uses in the The Setup stage of Tinymce occursCopy the code

5. Methods Note the need to do it yourself to expose two useful apis and then initialize Tinymce ⚠️

* file_picker_types
* file_picker_callback
* images_upload_handler
Copy the code

These three places are the most important file upload and image upload, according to their own business needs to modify the upload function

Throw three hook functions to tinymce’s parent component

  • on-ready
  • on-upload-complete
  • on-destroy

Component invocation

<template> <div id="home" class="pd20"> < tinyMce ref="richText" v-model="content" @on-upload-complete="onEditorUploadComplete"></tinymce> <div class="mt20"> <el-button type="primary" class="w100" </el-button type="primary" class="w100" @click="set"> </el-button> </div> </div> </template> <script> import tinymce from '@/components/ tinymce' window.tinymce.baseURL = '/static/tinymce' Or complains / / this. $refs. RichText. SetContent / / getContent two methods to get and set the export default {name: 'Dashboard' components: {tinymce}, data() {return {content: 'Welcome to home page'}}, watch: {}, computed: {}, methods: { onEditorUploadComplete(res) { if (res.code == 0) { this.$message({ type: 'success', message: } else {this.$message({type: 'error', message: Res.msg})}, set() {this.$refs.richtext.setContent (' set content ')}, get() { console.log(this.$refs.richText.getContent()) }, }, created() { }, mounted() { } } </script> <style lang="less" scoped> </style>Copy the code

Write in the back

Summary: This article also refers to many other excellent front-end development blog, the way is similar, are to write pictures uploaded on the point, so the similarity is very. But I’ve rarely seen anyone else post this part of the Tinymce file upload, so I’m taking a new (and uncool) path and sharing it with you. I hope you enjoy it. Feel useful small partners can give a heart, give a attention, do not understand the place can comment on me and private letter I, free will answer one by one. At present, I have to step into node development, learning egg.js so the front-end article will update less. If there is a good theme will also share. Jane book launch website