When the blockchain wave rises, many enterprises facing sluggish growth will think about whether they can adjust their business model and achieve a new round of growth by transforming blockchain. The technical barrier of blockchain is very high. Can all businesses use blockchain technology? How to combine their specific business and block? In the face of the transformation of these enterprises confused, on November 10 guangzhou Thunderbolt chain technology salon, Thunderbolt chain open platform operation director Chen Menglin made a comprehensive answer.

Photo: Chen Menglin, head of the open platform operation of Thunderbolt Chain

Is blockchain technology suitable for all enterprises?

Chen Menglin said that blockchain is not a panacea, enterprises should start from their own business needs, analyze the actual business needs of the scene, and then further discuss whether the problems in each scene can be solved with the characteristics of blockchain. Instead of going up for the sake of going up.

He cites an insurance company on thunderbolt as an example. One of the business scenarios is signing insurance agreements online. Claims, there are users said, online insurance agreement content is wrong, not his confirmation of the content at that time. Since the page is on the insurance company’s own website, users will question whether the content of the insurance agreement has been tampered with.

Distrust of the problems the scene, is very applicable and chain block to solve, the user to confirm the content of the agreement and confirm behavior chain preservation, then proves the validity of the agreement, then meet users when in doubt, because the chain is the traceability of the information, not to tamper with, can be used to contrast, so as to solve the problem of trust and understanding between both sides.

Chen Menglin said that to determine whether a business can be solved with blockchain, it mainly depends on whether the logic of trust can be expressed with objective data.

How to use blockchain technology: Overcome three difficulties

From the actual work experience of Thunderbolt Chain, Chen Menglin summed up the three most common problems encountered by enterprises in the combination of blockchain business transformation, and gave the corresponding solutions.

1. High cost of user education. Users are accustomed to the use of various products in the Internet era, and will be very uncomfortable after switching to the product experience of blockchain, and will easily lead to many misoperations. The cost of re-education at this point is very high and it’s very easy to lose users.

The solution is to put the interaction on the chain in the background during product design, retain the user’s long-standing operation habits, and then through practical use, make it step by step contact with the chain verification and other functions, and gradually cultivate their blockchain awareness.

2. Separate online and offline scenarios. The data on the blockchain can be guaranteed not to be tampered with and traceable, but if the data is entered from offline to online, it is wrong data or false data, how to solve the problem?

Chen Menglin said that this problem needs the cooperation of the business side and the blockchain to complete. If the chain is to be connected, the business side itself needs to sort out a set of standard business norms to promote each participant to truly input relevant information in accordance with the norms.

3. Underlying performance support problems. Whether the performance of the underlying main chain can support the application and meet the needs in the actual business scenarios is also a big problem currently perplexing the development of blockchain applications. Chen suggested that developers use Thunderbolt, which has evolved enough in terms of performance and usability.

Chen Menglin especially emphasized that the role of blockchain is to help enterprises accurately and quickly identify the link of the problem when there is a problem, rather than solve all the problems through blockchain. Blockchain is not a panacea.

What can thunderbolt do?

To solve the problem of technical support on the application chain, Chen Menglin suggested that developers choose mature, relatively complete technical solutions of the main chain, such as Xunlei chain. Mr Chen offers three reasons:

First of all, Thunderbolt has a strong technical advantage, millions of TPS can support large-scale commercial applications, super compatibility and elastic expansion, convenient developers according to the actual volume of business needs to use chain services, and with the increasing volume of business, instant matching to the corresponding resources and performance.

Secondly, Thunderbolt chain also provides a number of support policies, for example, most developers are most concerned about the cost problem, thunderbolt chain let developers do not have too much entanglement and care about development costs, will focus on product development.

At present, there are two kinds of supporting policies for thunderbolt chain. The first type refers to the application of thunderbolt chain, which exempts gas fees in the first year. The second type is the resource support of cloud computing resources in the star domain, which can provide free cloud computing services for excellent applications. In short, help developers as much as possible so that they can focus on the application layer and reduce their costs.

In addition, thunderbolt chain also provides traffic support. Thunderlink will help developers solve the problem of cold app launches and increase their influence. If the entrepreneurial team has financing needs, Thunderbolt can also help connect with investment institutions.

Chen Menglin finally said that Thunderbolt open platform sincerely hope to empower the real economy with developers, but also hope developers and enterprises can enjoy the bonus of the blockchain era as soon as possible.