WebTorrent, the open source project is the first to run on the browser Torrent client, so far on GitHub has gained nearly 25K Star.

The project is written entirely in JavaScript and uses WebRTC for true point-to-point transport. No browser plug-ins, extensions, or installations are required. Using open Web standards, WebTorrent connects Web site users together into a distributed, decentralized browser-to-Browser network for efficient file transfer.

First of all, the web version can be directly embedded in the web page, equivalent to a P2P online player, which can be experienced on the homepage of the official website of the project: WebTorrent. IO /

WebTorrent Desktop, supporting macOS, Windows and Linux systems, not only can be used for BT download, but also side seeding.

Thunderbolt some functions he has, thunderbolt did not he also has, with the side of the function. Support BitTorrent and WebTorrent at the same time, when downloading BT files can have a higher connection success rate.

When using the software, you only need to drag the seed file into the software or directly paste the magnetic link address in the software to download. When downloading the software, the number of peer connections will be displayed. The larger the number of peer connections, the faster the download speed will be.

Address: github.com/webtorrent/…

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