Writing in the front

The year of 2020 has been spent in a busy and fulfilling way. I am very glad to write down my thoughts and summary of the year in luo Pang’s speech program “Friends of Time” at this time. 2020 is actually a very fulfilling year for me. I have experienced many things I have never encountered in my life before. I feel tired and nostalgic, regret but also harvest.

About the disease

It is said that everything is difficult before it begins, but I never thought it was so difficult. On the first day of the New Year, the epidemic began to ravage the whole country. Fortunately, I witnessed the history, bought the ticket on the city closure day, and witnessed wuhan under martial law. In 2020, I spent the Spring Festival alone in Beijing for the first time in 10 years. I felt it was really not easy for me to be a migrant worker in Beijing. Fortunately, since I owned my own house, the subsequent procedures for health certificates and community access certificates were relatively smooth, which was the biggest relief.

On the remote

The company has been doing a good job in staff care. Soon after the outbreak of the epidemic, it required everyone to report their health every day and encouraged everyone to make full use of online tools to work at home. At that time, I felt that the efficiency tools made by the company invested a lot of RESEARCH and development resources began to play a huge role. Fly book communication, audio video conference, screen sharing, docs document collaboration, etc., before always feel is the icing on the cake office tools, to the survival of AIDS has become a daily team colleagues quickly up and down mode adapted to the online office, biweekly APP fixed edition and operational development iterations are not affected, I have to admire the strategic vision of the company. After the resumption of work, colleagues around are still using remote office mode in large number. At present, it is common for multiple teams to collaborate and communicate with each other across cities.

Telecommuting isn’t perfect, of course, for the time management and efficiency of individual and team arrangement are put forward higher request, because of the pull will reduce the cost of communication, not be opened before a lot of communication meeting began to grow more, the whole work time began to become very fragmented, plus the remote needs to support a large number of online video during the interview, Calendar day working days packed situation occur, leading to a day really do business often encoding time is at eight o ‘clock in the evening to 1 a.m, great overdraft on physical strength and health, the subsequent I also communicate with many colleagues both within and outside the company had this problem, the common reaction is prone to fragmentation of the remote working hours it is difficult to avoid, I recommend two articles for reference: How to stay productive when working remotely? Under the global “cloud office” mode, how to better remote collaboration?

About growing up

The growth of the past year for their own touch still has a lot of change, because the direction of the business adjustment and own active choice, successively participated in three directions of distinct product research and development, both the current hot electric business platform, also have a technical background is very cloud platform construction, the basis of the colleagues are very good, learned a lot from their body, The technological horizon is much wider than before. I have still maintained efficient reading habits and achieved good results, such as reviewing and learning new TypeScript + React + Hooks, Golang’s practice in Web development, micro front-end engineering transformation, consolidating the knowledge of Node in Wolf Shu 3 Security, and detailed reading of micro-server architecture and design patterns. The confirmation had a great impact on the work for more than half a year later. Many key technical points were implemented in the project, confirming the old saying that everything is ready to stand, not ready to waste, 8 hours to see survival, 8 hours to see growth.

In addition to reading a lot, I also began to consciously improve the frequency of writing articles. Even though I had heavy work tasks, I tried to write 2-3 high-quality technical solutions or PPT sharing every month, among which my experience in learning Golang was selected as the hot article by Nuggets, see: I talked about my experience and growth in learning Go in the past year. In addition, I also re-opened the offline communication mode and participated in several high-quality technology sharing activities.

In addition, because of the front-end born before understanding of technology is to stay on the surface, this year began to consciously in abstract ability to improve the quality of their products and technology, so has been trying to draw some flow charts to explain the business logic as well as the related knowledge of technology, combined with the PRD prototype to quickly understand the overall design of a business system.

The above efforts also brought relatively good returns. In 2020, I passed the company’s management debriefing defense and promotion defense, and started a new career journey.

On investment

Because this year is one of the most busy in work time basic accounts for nearly 80% of the entire time, I also have been thinking unit returns the value of time, plus the investment market of all kinds of black swans, I also try to take some idle funds made some investment, perhaps lucky, so far in addition to a-shares really can’t figure out to vote, Other channels are basically a little surplus, for just started small white retail performance is commendable point, I hope this is not advance overdraft financial fortune, next year do not compensate too miserably.

About memory

Before 2020, the concept of death has been relatively weak, but this year, all kinds of celebrities in the news on screen unexpectedly left us in this year, to give themselves a new death education lesson. Early at home in the morning to brush by Bryant were shocked by the news of the death, thought this is one of the biggest news this year, in fact this is the king of Fried, this year, many celebrities in the farewell in a variety of ways, the life in 2020, in 2021 the coming moment, let us wave to them last time, thank you have been here, R.I.P.

Compared with the celebrity died on the screen, bring more completely leave regrets is a generation of youth’s mark and the impermanence of life, but the technical circle more for your friend’s departure is truly a wake-up call for their own mind, at the end of march the front-end Daniel SiTuZheng departure caused quite a stir in the industry and of beauty to the preschool students should be more or less read his blog and code. With github’s final shutdown, github will stay in 2020 forever.

In 996 the Internet environment, is praised as the most fook quoted endlessly work as a well-deserved, in this sincerely suggest young programmers still please pay attention to your body, good work/life balance, not unlimited overdraw health, through the right person to love and hate code, look at the larger world.

About the travel

Basic trapped in Beijing, due to the outbreak of the first half of the second China southern airlines launched a happy fly indefinitely after flight activities, decisive orders and opened the clock mode, this year’s travel times caught up with the sum of the past few years, coming out of the 11 cities, watched a lot before want to see but did not make up his mind to go to the scenery, keep running, practice the body and mind, There is always a slogan on the road.

About the plan

The New Year has begun, the biggest hope is that we can continue to work hard, reduce complexity into simplicity, break down all kinds of ideas as far as possible into concrete goals that can be realistically implemented, persevere and make the changes visible, first list the flags, looking forward to the next year will not be hit in the face:

  1. Complete the transition from head soldier to technical leader, and be able to see the direction clearly while doing a good job in execution. Don’t let yourself become the ceiling of the team.

  2. Strive to learn English well, adapt to the needs of high-speed internationalization of the company, strive to achieve barrier-free listening and speaking;

  3. Learn to think about the balance between technology growth and business advancement, from what is done to what is done;

  4. Improve work efficiency, stay focused, and try to finish everything on the same day;

  5. Brush douyin headlines less, do more high-quality thinking, read more in-depth articles;

  6. Keep reading 30 + books, not just technical books, to get a more comprehensive view of this era of upheaval;

  7. Continue to clock in 3-5 cities and learn to shoot vlogs and simple video clips;

  8. Work hard at fitness, improve immunity, and gradually get rid of the sub-health of the body and stay up late habits;

Finally, I wish you all, 2021 peace and success, good health, financial resources, the future can be expected!