This introduction

As an enterprise mainly engaged in the global research and operation of commercial games, Heartnet has always had an outstanding record in the field of games going overseas. From The Best Indie of 2020 with Land of Bad Consequences, to the Muse Dash, which resonated with players and audiences around the world, to the Classic Tale of Wonderland RO, which was a hit in Southeast Asia, all of which have proven to be quite impressive. There is a strong publishing and business logic behind its success. In this program, we invited Xiao Ruoyang, the public relations director of Heart-Network, to share with us the experience and experience of heart-network globalization.

This guest

Xiao Ruoyang has 8 years of experience in the game industry. Currently, I am the public relations person in charge of Heartbeat Network, responsible for government relations, business relations with key customers and other businesses, and assisting the Group’s legend of Wonderland: Many of our products, including “Eternal Love”, “Endless Ulala”, “MUSE DASH”, “ICEY”, and “Juicy Realm”, have been well received and have been featured on Google Play overseas and won various awards.

Click here to listen to the interview with Xiao Ruoyang, public relations director of Heart-Network: Heart-network’s global distribution strategy.

Content overview, help you quickly locate highlights!


Enchanted network game layout


The award-winning product “Land of Bad Consequences” will be arranged


“Land of Evil Consequences” online experience sharing


Distribution experience in Japan


The difference between commercial and indie games in Southeast Asia


Use Google’s products to solve the problem of machine fit

After him

How to solve language localization in Southeast Asia

The current related

Android Vitals

Android Vitals is a Google initiative designed to improve the stability and performance of Android devices. When a user chooses to enable the program to run your app, their Android device records a variety of metrics, including data on app stability, app startup time, battery usage, presentation time, and denied permissions.

Firebase Test Lab

Firebase Test Lab is a cloud-based application Test infrastructure that allows developers to Test their applications on a range of devices and in a variety of configurations to better understand how they perform in the hands of users.

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The second season of Google Play Chinese podcast “Overseas Alumni Association” is officially launched. It is a podcast focusing on mobile going overseas. Each program invites developers, entrepreneurs and investors who are deeply involved in the field of going overseas to discuss their industry experience, share their entrepreneurial process, and understand the overseas market. It is chaired by Jijia Huang, head of Developer Marketing in Greater China for Google’s Platform and Ecosystem business group.

The program will bring you updates every Wednesday. You can search “Overseas students association” through Himalaya FM subscription program album, timely access to the latest trends; Follow “Google Play Developers “to listen to more Google Play podcasts, which will be exclusively released on Himalaya FM.