Here are the top 5 open source projects that got the most Star this week. Below is the list of recommended projects for this week. Check out GitHub for daily recommended quality projects.

This issue recommended open source project directory:

1. Docker-based end-to-end developer platform

2. A great stock and crypto market terminal

3. A developer’s summary of CS self-study guide

4. Open source NetEase Cloud API

5. The universal verification code identifies the SDK

01. Appwrite

Appwrite is an end-to-end docker-based developer platform with containerized microservices libraries that can be used on web, mobile, and back ends. Appwrite simplifies the tedious process of writing apis from scratch through a visual interface, creating an efficient development environment for developers while ensuring software security.

Source address: the code

02. OpenBB

OpenBB terminal is a great stock and crypto market terminal that developers developed for fun. The OpenBB terminal provides investors with a modern integration environment based on Python, allowing the average investor to use the most advanced data science and machine learning technologies. As a modern Python-based environment, OpenBBTerminal has access to a multitude of data science (Numpy, Scipy, Jupyter), machine learning (Pytorch, Tensorflow, Sklearn, Flair), and data collection (Beautiful Soup and many third-party apis) Python database.

Source address: the code

03. CS Self-study Guide

The blogger recorded the experience and lessons along the way and shared them with everyone through the open source project, forming this CS self-study guide. The goal is to make a young white person who has just come into contact with the computer, completely rely on the high-quality resources of the open source community, avoid detours, and grow into a solid foundation of mathematics and code ability in 2-3 years. The blogger believes that whether he chooses scientific research or employment, he will be quite competitive after studying all this knowledge.

Source address: the code

04. NetEase Cloud API

The NetEase Cloud Music Node.js API Service requires the Node.js 8.12+ environment to use this project. Of course, there are plenty of similar open source projects on GitHub, as shown below.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Copy the code

05. Common verification code identifies SDK

Common verification code recognition SDK free open source edition. This open source project is a Python library developed by SML2H3 for captchas vendors to verify the difficulty and strength of their new versions of captchas by generating large quantities of random data for deep network training. The following types of verification codes can be identified and cracked.

Source address: the code

06. Historical inventory

Check out GitHub for a fun and interesting open source project every day. GitHub project:

History review: the code