In order to provide a platform for more technicians to learn and grow, and to facilitate the exchange and sharing of technical content, from now on, Motianlun platform invites you to publish articles, share your study notes, work experience, etc., and help technicians to grow together. Participation can be obtainedOriginal books, JINGdong E card, Logitech set, Xunlei membershipWait for hao Li, come and join us

Multiple gifts

The first gift: forward the poster below to moments, you can get value99 yuan cash package +5 ink value.

Second good gift: publish 1 article, you can get
Original electronic technology book +10 ink value.

Third good gift: publish 20 or more articles, you can get
20 yuan JINGdong E card +30 ink value.

Fourth good gift: publish 50 articles or more, can get
Logitech package + Xunlei MEMBER VIP monthly card + original electronic technology books worth 399 yuan + course voucher +50 ink value, and customized personal columns.

Ink value can also be exchanged for more gifts oh, click ink value mall to check the exchange.

Event details

Date: 22nd, 201910 — 31st, December, 2019;

Participants: Technology enthusiasts can participate in this activity.

Article requirements: can be their own notes, experimental records, organized data, translation of technical articles. The Platform reserves the right to delete articles directly copied or reproduced without authorization. Please do not post again.


Click to publish

Prize collection: All prizes will be distributed within 5-7 working days after the event.

Activity eggs

1. Among the users who publish articles, the administrator will randomly select the lucky ones every week and give them exclusive gift packages.

2. Welcome to upload your past study notes. The administrator will help you create a customized column, which can be pushed to the top of the platform.

Campaign strategy

Publish articles. Create a new post in “Ink Wheel Console – Article Management”.

Click to post and participate in the campaign

Motianlun platform reserves the right to interpret this activity. If you have any questions, please contact the administrator directly on wechat EMCS007

About ink wheel

Motianlun community is dedicated to providing one-stop comprehensive services for the learning and growth of data people, creating a unified platform integrating news and information, online q&A, activity live broadcast, online courses, document reading, resource download, knowledge sharing and online operation and maintenance. Eygle, Kamus, Li Zhenxu, Luo Haixiong, Lunar and many other database experts have opened a column on Motianlun to share their industry knowledge regularly. If you want to share your technology, you are welcome to publish your articles on Motianlun!