Those who are engaged in the Internet industry know that programmers have been famous for their high salaries (unfortunately, migrant workers did not get…..) “, this also causes more and more Internet from the line into the ranks of programmers, in fact, we generally speak of programmers are broad, generally refers to IT practitioners (like development, testing, operation and maintenance, network workers can be called programmers). But in real life, programmers are usually developers who sit in front of a screen, tapping away at a keyboard, churning out line after line of code, building one amazing application after another.

As a result, the popularity of some programming languages, the number of people learning them, and the list of the most popular programming languages due to the rise of ARTIFICIAL intelligence have also changed. Let’s take a look.

The chart below shows Python’s growth, and it’s amazing.


In recent years, the degree of popularity has gradually increased

More and more developers love it and learn it

But why, is it so popular? It’s on fire

A lot of people don’t think about their sister

Today, we will explain why

Without further ado, look at the picture

There’s a picture, there’s a truth. It’s easy to see

Note: the picture originated from the Internet, the copyright belongs to the author.