AntV, ant produced, front-end data visualization, have this set is enough!

With the development of big data, people are increasingly using data analytics to solve problems. To improve the efficiency of data analysis, a variety of advanced data visualization tools are available on demand to generate cool and intuitive charts directly from the specified data source.

The following is a set of excellent front-end data visualization framework, AntV, carefully built by Ant Group, which can make data lifelike.

“Framework” is a bit of an understatement, but AntV is a new and complete data visualization solution! Based on a set of standard design system, to create a variety of sub-projects, constitute a complete set of data visualization architecture!

G2, F2, G6, X6, L7, AVA, what the hell is that?

Let’s take a look at the role of each sub-project.


G2 is a set of high interactive graphics syntax driven by data for general statistical charts, with a high degree of ease of use and scalability. With G2, you can build a variety of interactive charts using Canvas or SVG in a single statement without having to worry about the tedious implementation details of charts.

In addition, there is G2Plot, based on G2, which is an out-of-the-box, easy-to-configure, visual and interactive library of general statistical charts. Based on G2, more chart types have been added to further improve the ease of use.


Different from G2, F2 is an out-of-the-box visualization solution focused on mobile terminal. It perfectly supports THE H5 environment and is compatible with various environments (Node, applet, Weex), complete graph syntax theory, to meet your various visualization needs, professional mobile design guide to bring you the best mobile terminal diagram experience.

Similarly, F2Native is a client-focused (Android/IOS), out-of-the-box, high-performance visualization solution. With a complete graph syntax theory, to meet your various needs, professional mobile design guide to bring you the best mobile graphics experience.


Sometimes, the diagrams provided by G2 and F2 may not be suitable for showing diagrams with complex relationships, so we can use G6.

G6 is a simple, easy to use, complete graph visualization engine, it provides a series of elegant design, easy to use graph visualization solutions on the basis of high customization capability. It can help developers build their own graph visualization, graph analysis, or graph editor applications.

The following chart G6 can be well supported:

On the basis of G6, Ant also developed Graphin, named Graph Insight, which is a G6 packaged React component library focused on visual analysis of relationships. It is simple, efficient and out-of-the-box, which can help us generate a variety of relationship charts to assist analysis.


X6 is AntV’s graph editing engine, which provides a series of out of the box interactive components and easy-to-use node customization capabilities, so that we can quickly build DAG, ER, flow chart and other applications.

Unlike the G6, X6 is more focused on graph editing, allowing flexibility in defining node, edge styles, and operational behavior.


L7 is an open source development framework for visual analysis of large-scale geospatial data based on WebGL. It focuses on visual analysis of spatial data and supports high performance dynamic rendering of massive data integrating 2D and 3D.


In addition to the various visualization frameworks above, Ant has also developed AVA, an artificial intelligence-based and easier visual analysis technology framework, which can intelligently generate a variety of different visualization charts based on data, avoiding complex configurations.

Have to sigh, Ant Financial front end is really very professional, if you want to develop data visualization application, you must try AntV!

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