Along with the development of the Internet information age, big data become a mainstream trend, however, the combination of the industry, the Internet in order to better for Internet development, the relevant technology of the large data also gradually be applied to the development of the Internet, like a zookeeper, kafka, etc technology, however, the programmer of this industry, we have to understand, Learning time is not particularly sufficient, want to learn there is no sufficient information, in order to save you time, I selected some of these materials, one of which is a study kafka PDF, you are commuting on the subway, are reading e-books, why not learn kafka?


The book is divided into 10 chapters:

Chapter 1 comprehensively introduces the message engine system and the basic concepts and features of Kafka, and quickly leads readers into the world of Kafka.

Chapter 2 briefly reviews the history of Apache Kafka.

Chapter 3 introduces the construction of Kafka cluster environment in detail.

Chapter 4 and chapter 5 discuss the use of Kafka client in depth.

Chapter 6 takes the reader through the internal design principles of Kafka;

Chapter 7~9 explains the management, monitoring, and tuning of Kafka cluster with examples.

Chapter 10 introduces Kafka’s new streaming components.

All men are mortal

What are the core features of Kafka? In a word, high performance message sending and high performance message consumption. Next, the book will start with a quick start on Kafka, the “Hello, World” example for Kafka. Unlike other books, this is intended to give readers a quick taste of Kafka’s core functionality — sending and consuming messages. For many beginners who are not familiar with Kafka, this can instantly enhance their learning pleasure and thus enhance their confidence in mastering and understanding Kafka systems.

Technical guidance

Parameter Settings

Developed by producer and Consumer

Design principle

Monitor, manage, and tune clusters

The project practice

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