It’s almost impossible for us on iOS to not use a third wheel these days, because we don’t have enough time, and we tend to end up with the second or first wheel in the image above, except for big companies. Here’s a summary of the third party wheels I used and the ones I saw were good.

  • A third party used by the basic process
  • List related wheels
  • Pictures related to wheels
  • Other wheels that may be commonly used
A third party used by the basic process

A third party used by the basic process

  • AFNetworking
  • Alamofire
  • YTKNetwork
  • YYModel
  • Mantle
  • JSONModel
  • SwiftyJSON
  • MBProgressHUD
  • SVProgressHUD
  • JGProgressHUD

The above is repeated, and how to choose, this we can see their own project to determine.

List related wheels

List related wheels

Pictures related to wheels

Pictures related to wheels

  • HUPhotoBrowser
  • MWPhotoBrowser
  • QBImagePicker
  • CTAssetsPickerController
  • FastImageCache: Optimization of image loading speed, which is quite good

The Browser and Picker functions are somewhat overlapping here, so it’s up to you to make your choice.

Other wheels that may be commonly used
  • DLSlieView: similar to the effect of netease selecting upper navigation
  • HMSegmentedControl: Select (compare this to DLSlieView)

Not always used, but fun to animate some wheels

Other third-party libraries

For the time being, most of the records are objective-C related. To be honest, there are a lot of great wheels on Github for us to explore. Of course, if there are good wheels, I hope we can share them more.

Having said that, I personally have always been guided by the principle of using the API provided by Apple itself, even if it contradicts the above. After all, the introduction of a third-party library is sometimes a bit of an uncertain factor, if possible, try to develop and implement the corresponding function, third-party library as a reference. (Of course, if the speed of development is the first, then use it first)

PS: note there are some we may use in the link below:……