This article has participated in the activity of “New person creation Ceremony”, and started the road of digging gold creation together.

From graduation, to finding a job, to receiving tasks, to work under the guidance of a mentor, and then to take the initiative to propose problems, determine solutions, with the team to achieve this function. The way of working is changing, the roles are changing. After several years of architecture optimization work, from a horizontal comparison, there are still some differences between architecture optimization work and normal version requirements iteration research and development, mainly in the following aspects

  1. The job of architecture optimization is to prepare for the future of the business in advance. It is too late to build the technical architecture when the business needs it. But at the moment, the existing architecture of the business is reasonable and available. Upgrading and optimizing the architecture is risky and uncertain. If you think things through, you need to articulate them, get the support and resources to work on them. Otherwise, it will be difficult to gain recognition and there will be much more resistance in the process of moving forward.

  2. The work of architecture optimization is to optimize the technical architecture of the existing user-oriented products based on the technical architecture designed by myself or the architecture designed by other students. The existing logic of the previous architecture was certainly reasonable and valuable based on the general background at that time. New technical solutions need to have sufficient reasons, otherwise in the process of promoting the implementation of the solution, the designer of the original solution may become the resistance of the implementation of the new solution.

  3. The work of architecture optimization is the building of basic capabilities and the setting of process standards. The output of architecture affects the business in the product, that is to say, the quality of architecture will directly affect the business access cost and r&d efficiency of the whole product. In the process of architecture optimization, existing business processes need to be reformed. After the completion of architecture optimization, the access of new business also needs to refer to the process and mechanism of architecture for function construction.

  4. Architecture optimization work is based on a certain historical background, technology and business needs, will launch a new round of technical architecture optimization. A clear solution based on existing problems is the foundation of architectural optimization and the ceiling of future business. It has to do with the level of concern of the architect, it has to do with the business needs in the near future, however, to open up the imagination to give the architecture more possibilities.

  5. The work of architectural optimization is ongoing, multi-tasking and parallel, and conflicts with normal requirements iterations. Generally speaking, an architecture upgrade and optimization takes at least a month, while the implementation time of a feature in a requirements iteration can be completed in days or weeks. In this process, the architecture upgrade and function iteration, has been in parallel development state, until the two parts of the code merge, online, check whether the relevant indicators meet expectations, the final full architecture optimization work is to come to an end.

  6. The work of architecture optimization is to optimize the architecture based on the existing online business, which indicates that the optimization of technical architecture can directly affect the existing user groups after it goes online. For apps that have been used online by a large number of users, it is necessary to consider the upgrade of the architecture, the direct launch of the App, the impact on users, the impact on the server, the change of the process, and the impact on relevant indicators. The impact of these needs to be considered in the design of the architecture and the ability to effectively stop losses in the event of unexpected events.

  7. Architecture optimization is technology-oriented and purposeful, aiming to solve existing problems. The reason needs to be sufficient, easy to understand, used frequently, and consistent with long-term development. In line with the larger goals of the team, but also in line with the expectations of the collaborative partners. Whether the target has been determined to do, or whether the target has not been determined in this matter or in the discovery of the problem, the students who are in technical research and development need to clarify the target of the architecture optimization while determining the architecture optimization plan. The difference between a goal and a plan is that a goal is the final effect to be achieved, while a plan is a specific means to achieve this effect. The same technical architecture optimization can have multiple goals, generally speaking, a goal can have multiple solutions.

  8. Frame optimization work is mostly important, not urgent. That is to say, in the process of holding, there are resources are adjusted, manpower is insufficient. This is just like a family, the income of the family determines the survival of the family, and the problem of cultivating the next generation is to survive first. If there is a next generation, the parents should devote their energy to accompany their children or earn money. It depends on the parents to accompany their children, the survival of the family is not a problem. How to let parents put energy to accompany baby tilt, this is really a headache, can not let the baby always cry, baby also have to grow up.

  9. The work of architecture optimization is to support the output of the business. After the architecture optimization is completed, part of the revenue can be obtained. At the same time, when the business and technical requirements come online in the following iterations, the revenue will also be generated due to the changes in the architecture. In other words, the work of architecture optimization, the evaluation of business and technical benefits is an indirect process, it is an ongoing process. There are a lot of variables in this process, and frankly those variables are risks.

Other reference

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