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As a programmer, an important part of ensuring quality online is code review, or the quality of code review. Recently I have seen many online accidents that could have been avoided by other groups due to poor code review. I thought about the current review method of the team and decided to make some changes.


  1. Ensure that code is reviewed with high quality
  2. Reviewer has a quick understanding of code logic
  3. Don’t overload the project team with code review


The current review scheme in the group is that the project code must be reviewed by an old hand, because everyone is familiar with the relevant field, this scheme is feasible. In order to better improve the quality, the changes are as follows:

  • Non-p0 projects, need an experienced person to do code review
  • P0 stage project
    • At least two students are required to review the code, one veteran and one familiar with the relevant modules
    • In the middle of the project test, let students start review
    • The writer has to explain how to write the code and make changes, and it takes about 15 minutes
    • Provide documents to view project and code content, including online configuration, online plan, etc

This has several benefits:

  1. For P0 project, review by two familiar students can guarantee the quality of review on the whole
  2. The other students do things that at least two of them are familiar with
  3. We can sort out the modules that everyone is familiar with, some with a wide range, some with a narrow range, and judge the breadth and depth of students from this scale
  4. Code review is not a huge amount of work


  1. Automated testing ensures a greater degree of code quality
  2. The quality of the code writer is also important

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