Is your iot project challenging? Don’t choose a single supplier, gather the wisdom of the masses! ThingJS is an online platform where hundreds of thousands of developers are active, with hundreds of thousands of vertical applications.

The convergence of IT and OT should be the first step on your journey to the Internet of Things. Nobeltech is an expert in IT intelligent management and IoT visual management, and ThingJS is a young 3D visualization team with rich experience in computer graphics. We have something to say about the successful development of an IoT system.

Building an ecosystem of partners, learning and developing with them, is the first secret to iot success.

A iot solutions are highly integrated, even the tier 1 supplier, also need different secondary or tertiary suppliers, forming a huge network of cooperation, in the era of technology compatibility, cooperation pattern perfect, no one vendor can independently developed a iot solutions, especially those that are already exists. As a result, ThingJS supports developing your own vertical solutions based on proven horizontal modules, architectures, or platforms, which is the most fundamental understanding of the “Internet of Things. If you don’t “connect,” sooner or later you run a big risk.

“Many companies are working with their customers to develop optimal solutions using horizontally reusable modules, all of which are open and operable,” concludes Marche Kranz in the Age of Things. This is a complex strategic transition for vendors and users of technology-based solutions. The result will be an open ecosystem of standards-based iot solution participants. I call this trend the cooperative economy.”

Ecocollaboration involves developing an iot ecosystem by building your network of partners in two steps.

Find partners who provide key building blocks, complementing each other with technical and market intelligence in particular, to find cost-effective solutions. For example, ThingJS provides technology and expertise in 3D frameworks, visualizations, core components, and collaboration, as well as sharing market information about the Iot industry.

Second, key partners are ready, and experts and integrators in vertical fields are added. Specialized project teams are set up, including software and hardware, visualization, application testing and other technical support. Integrators are able to integrate components from different vendors with current customer business processes to form a holistic business solution. As the provider of the last mile of visual intermediate components, ThingJS supports rapid development and demonstration, and smooth embedding in Party A’s Iot business projects.

There is no shortcut to success, by constantly break-in, ThingJS developed can be integrated into a variety of fields in the solution stack lateral elements, including park, security fire or wisdom factory these best practices in the field of vertical, through precipitation and absorb valuable experience, ThingJS targeted by different vertical market recognition and use.

As a core component of 3D visualization middleware, ThingJS continues to improve development efficiency and reduce entry costs in Internet of Things business projects.

ThingJS, which offers platform-based components such as scenariobuilding, online development and multi-server deployment, has gained 150,000 active developer users in less than a year by shortening development cycles and reducing the risk of choice.