Abstract: This paper is a preliminary interpretation of the paper’s work on THE BART named entity recognition based on ACL2021 NER template.

This article to share from huawei cloud community “ACL2021 NER | BART named entity recognition based on template”, the author: JuTzungKuei.

Paper: Cui Leyang, Wu Yu, Liu Jian, Yang Sen, ZhangYue. TemplateBased Named Entity Recognition Using BART [A]. Findings of theAssociation for Computational Computational Linguistics: ACL-IJCNLP 2021 [C]. Online:Association for Computational Linguistics, 2021, 1835 — 1845.

Link: aclanthology.org/2021.findin…

Code: github.com/Nealcly/tem…

1, the

  • Small sample NER: More source domain data, less target domain data

  • Existing methods: Similarity-based measures

Disadvantages: Knowledge in model parameters cannot be used for migration

  • A template – based approach is proposed

NER is seen as a sort of language model problem, seQ2SEQ framework

The original sentence and template serve as the source sequence and template sequence, respectively, and are populated by the candidate entity SPAN

Inference: Classify each candidate span according to the corresponding template score

  • The data set

CoNLL03 rich resources

MIT Movie, MITRestaurant, ATIS low resources

2, introduce

  • NER: NLP basic tasks, identify mention span, and classify

  • Neural NER model: Requires a lot of annotated data, lots of news fields, but little else

Ideal: Rich resource knowledge migrates to low resource

Reality: Different domains have different categories of entities

Training and testing: SoftMax layer and CRF layer need consistent tags

New territory: The output layer must be retuned and trained

  • Recently, a small sample of NER used the distance measure: training similarity measure function

Excellent: Reduced field fit

Lack of :(1) heuristic nearest neighbor search to find the best overparameter, network parameters are not updated, can not improve the neural representation of cross-domain instances; (2) Depending on the text mode similar to the source domain and target domain

  • A template – based approach is proposed

Using the small sample learning potential of PLM generation, sequence labeling is carried out

BART is fine-tuned by predefined templates populated with annotation entities

<candidate_span>is a <entity_type> entity

<candidate_span>is not a named entity

  • Advantages of the method:

Annotation examples can be used to fine-tune new areas

Is more robust than the distance-based approach, even though there is a big difference in writing style between the source domain and the target domain

Any class of NER can be applied without changing the output layer and sustainable learning

  • The first one uses generated PLM to solve the labeling problem of small sample sequences

  • Prompt Learning

3, methods,

3.1 Creating a Template

  • Consider NER task as LM sequencing problem under SEQ2SEQ framework

  • Entity_type: \mathbf{L}=\{l_1,… ,l_{|L|}\}L={_l_1,… _l_∣ _l_∣} {LOC PER ORG… }

  • \mathbf{Y}=\{y_1,… ,y_{|L|}\}Y={_y_1,… ,_y_∣_L_∣} {location,person, orgazation… }

  • Entity template: \mathbf{T}^{+}_{y_k}=\text{

    is a location entity.

  • Mathbf {T}^{-}= text{

    is not a named entity.}T−=

    is not a named entity.


  • Template collection: \ mathbf {T} = [\ mathbf {T} ^ {+} _ {y_1},… \ mathbf {T} ^ {+} _ {y_ {| L |}}, \ mathbf {T} ^ {to}] T = [T_y_1 +,…, T_y_ ∣ _L_ ∣ +, T -]

3.2 reasoning

  • Enumerate all spans, limit the number of n-grams to 1 to 8, each sentence has 8N templates

  • Mathbf {T}_{{y_k},x_{I :j}}=\{t_1,… ,t_m\}Tyk,xi:j={t1,… ,tm}

  • X_ {I :j}xi:_j_ entities have the highest score

  • If there are nested entities, select the one with the highest score

3.3 training

  • Gold standard entities are used to create templates

Entity x_ {I, j} xi: _j_ types for y_k_yk_, its template for: \ mathbf {T} ^ {+} _ {x_ y_k, {I, j}} T_yk_, xi: _j_ +

The entity x_ {I, j} xi: _j_, its template for: \ mathbf {T} ^ {-} _ {x_ {I, j}} Txi: _j_ –

  • Building a training set:

\mathbf{X}, \mathbf{T}^+)(X,T+)

Negative case: (\ mathbf {X}, \ mathbf {T} ^ -) (X, T -), random sampling, the number 1.5 times that of positive cases

  • Encoding: \ mathbf {h} ^ = {enc} \ text {ENCODER} (x_ {1: n}) henc = ENCODER (_x_1: _n_)

  • Decoding: \ mathbf {h} _c ^ = {dec} \ text {DECODER} (h ^ {enc}, t_} {1: c – 1) h_cdec_ = DECODER (henc, _t_1: _c_ – 1)

  • Conditional probability of word T_c_tc_ : P (t_c | t_} {1: c – 1, \ mathbf {X}) = \ text {SOFTMAX} (\ mathbf {h} _c ^ {dec} \ mathbf {W} _ {lm} + \ mathbf {b} _ {lm}) p (_tc_ ∣ _t_1: _c_ – 1, X) = SOFTMA X(h_cdec_W_lm_+b_lm_)

\ mathbf {W} _ {lm} \ in \ mathbb {R} ^ {d_h \ times | V |} W_lm_ ∈ R_dh_ x ∣ _V_ ∣

  • The cross entropy loss

4, the results

  • Test results for different template types

Select the first three templates and train the three models separately

  • The experimental results

The last line is three-model fusion, entity-level voting

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