It will take about 15 minutes to read this article.

I remember when I was in college, Java wasn’t as popular as it is today. On the Internet, learning Java will be generally despised by C++, because they learn C++ friends will have a natural superiority, think that Java does not have to manage its own memory, nothing you do, the JVM does it for you, “idiot” can learn! I was one of those idiots who asked myself: Is Java really that easy?

After so many years, MY understanding of Java is getting deeper and deeper. I have come into contact with many programming languages in my work, including the very old Delphi and the latest Go. Among so many programming languages, I still love Java and realize that any language is not as simple as you think!

Under my influence, many friends around have joined in learning Java and used it as a tool for eating. I think the most influential one should be the author “ZnLover” who maintained the public account with me. He was originally engaged in Windows driver, but under my influence, he also fell in love with Java. After years of research at the bottom of Windows, I now study Java together with me and conduct in-depth analysis on various interview questions of Internet companies.

In my circle, there are often small friends who ask why they can’t answer the knowledge points they originally understand in the interview.

The answer I give you is, do you really understand?

If you can’t answer it, it means that you really haven’t understood a certain knowledge point thoroughly. In the technical interview of large Internet companies, the interviewer will start from a small knowledge point and continue to dig deep, so as to know the depth and breadth of your whole knowledge system.

Here are some of our original analysis articles on interview questions, hoping to inspire you in your job interview.

List of interview questions

Do you really understand Java exceptions?

Question 2: Finally

In Java, you can see the differences between common strings.

The String class

Do you really understand those Java modifiers?

Q: What is the String constant pool?

Interview question 7 explains the Javac compiler

How does a JVM actually perform a classloader?

Interview question 9: What’s going on with parsing threads

How do you wake up a thread? Do you really know how to use it?

What is the difference between parsing threads and processes?

Interview question 12 parsing – Examples of coordination between multiple threads

Answer: CAS and ABA

Question 14 Parsing the principle, application scenarios and memory leaks of ThreadLocal

Interview question 15- Daemon threads

16. Dig the lock deep

16. Dig deep into the lock

Dig the lock deep

Interview 17 parsing – deadlock

Interview question 18 Parsing – Synchronizing containers

Interview question 19 — Thread Pool (PART 1)

Interview question 19 — Thread Pool (part 2)

20. The Executor Framework (PART 1)

20. What is the Executor framework?

21. What is the secret behind the browser

CDN Analysis

Java Socket and TCP/IP protocol stack

Interview question 24 Parsing – Discuss the DNS domain name resolution process in detail

What are the differences between BIO, NIO and AIO from a Java perspective?

To be continued…

Sharing interview Experience

This is the interview experience shared by the successful partners in our circle, which may be helpful to you.

Chengdu’s Internet factory, how many do you know?

Circle of friends meituan comment on the school recruitment interview experience sharing

Share the interview experience of junior partners in the circle (non-majors)

To be continued…

Security defense

Hopefully, this security knowledge as a developer will help you write more robust code at work.

This is how Google should play. Do you know these tricks?

The secrets behind the Dark Web

Talk about SQL injection from a Java perspective

Is your Java Web configuration secure?

From the perspective of Java, in-depth analysis of the undefendable thief — “XSS”

Learn how to harden your Java code with JNI

To be continued…

Stay true to what you started and continue to do something meaningful. Strive for excellence and success will happen to you.

Advice that is hard to hear: pay attention to the basics; Pay attention to the foundation; Pay attention to the foundation; Say three important things. Learn technology not to show off skills, but to actually solve problems.

Your attention is the motivation to keep going!!

Recommended reading:

Java dry goods video download