
Cc-ui is the Uni-APP ecosystem component library, all for simplicity.

Because the author’s son’s name is Cen Cen, so the component library name is CC, as a gift to his son.

This component library is developed with UNI-app. At present, it ADAPTS all H5 and wechat small program ends. Most app ends will be adapted to all ends in the future. While maintaining this component library, the author will also release vuE3 and React versions, so stay tuned.

Online documentation

Cc-ui online documentation

The warehouse address

Github welcomes star and PR.

The online preview

  1. You can access cc-UI via your mobile browser. If you use your computer browser, please set your browser to mobile mode.
  2. Please scan for a preview or search in the mini program marketCcccccui component library

The original

Originally did not want to make a component library, the first is the author in order to write vue3 + TS components, and then imitate vant component library to write a lot of components, write inadvertently write more than 20, after a second thought, I used to use uni-App a lot in my work. Why not make it into a component library because there are few uni-App components now? Then I wrote over 60 components directly.


The API and style of the component library mainly borrowed from UView and Vant, but in the process of writing components, I found that the design of individual API of these two component libraries did not meet my expectation. My expectation was that each component should have a high degree of expansibility and customization, so I redesigned many apis in the process of writing. So you might not be used to it the first time around, but I’m going to have to do it for the sake of extension. Here, special thanks to the authors of uView and Vant component libraries, these two component libraries are really good, I can only slowly catch up with them, of course, only borrowed from the style, but the component code or their own painstaking design and writing.


Cc-ui mainly integrates most of the components of UView and Vant, including the business components unique to Vant. Before, I saw many students joke that they are used to Vant, and found that other component libraries do not have some components of Vant. I thought, why not move the components of Vant? I only borrowed styles and individual apis, and since Vant is written in JSX, it doesn’t make sense for my code. So we have the advantage of having the components here that you want.

The goods

I’m not much better at vue, but I’m much better at CSS, especially animation, and deploying documents using VuePress.


Most of the author’s time will be devoted to the maintenance and update of the component library, and the vuE3 version (half of the components have been written) and react version will be released one after another. I am still thinking about whether to write pure React or Taro. I hope you can give me some suggestions.


Because ALL the components and documents are written by me alone, the author’s energy is really limited, and he has to take care of a child, so he often goes crazy until two or three o ‘clock in the morning, so I hope more students can join in, welcome everyone to participate in the open source project why and update, more welcome everyone pr.

The last

I am just an ordinary code farmer, write component library is just their own interest and feelings, I hope you give more tolerance and understanding, write the code is still a lot of problems, I hope to progress with you, work together.

The library is currently under review in the uni-app plugin market. You can also download the source code from Github and import components into your project to use it.